
Hello all,

I've been a lurker here for a while and haven't really contributed much.

Here's my situation. I am almost set on building an RV-8. I just moved to the Chicago area and am about to buy a house. I will have a good chunk of change once I am done with that to get started on tools, the empennage kit and maybe more.

I am a low time (<200hrs) Private Pilot and I really think getting my IR would be good for me in the long run, especially since I like long XCs and don't like being grounded because of light weather. I also have big plans for my RV when I am done and I need the IR for that.

My dilemma is as follows. Do I use the money to get my IR? Or should I start on my build and train in the RV once I am done? Starting on the IR now would mean that I delay my building process for at least another year.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Did anyone else face a similar decision? :)
Do empenage first

The 8 empanage is $1,550. With shipping and assorted tools, needs, call it 3 grand.

Your IR is going to run 2-3 times that.

Do the tail first and delay the IR for a few months. You will be finished with you IR long before you finish building a flying plane.

Also, last time I checked, you didn't have to write one check for the rating. It came out over a period of time

If you do the IR first, you delay 12 months.

Seems a simple decision to me.
Hello all,

I've been a lurker here for a while and haven't really contributed much.

Here's my situation. I am almost set on building an RV-8. I just moved to the Chicago area and am about to buy a house. I will have a good chunk of change once I am done with that to get started on tools, the empennage kit and maybe more.

I am a low time (<200hrs) Private Pilot and I really think getting my IR would be good for me in the long run, especially since I like long XCs and don't like being grounded because of light weather. I also have big plans for my RV when I am done and I need the IR for that.

My dilemma is as follows. Do I use the money to get my IR? Or should I start on my build and train in the RV once I am done? Starting on the IR now would mean that I delay my building process for at least another year.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Did anyone else face a similar decision? :)

There is no right answer for your question. Getting the additional hours and rating will certainly help lower your insurance premiums on your RV-8. Getting your IFR rating will also make you a better and hopefully a safer pilot.

But it really comes down to your goals and desires. Either way will work. Is getting the RV done quicker more important than getting the rating sooner? Like I said, there really isn't a right answer. Which ever option makes you happy and more comfortable is the way to go.

I bought a Cherokee and got my IFR rating while my son got his private. I just sold the Cherokee and I'm about half way throught the build. Yes, the Cherokee slowed down the build process. However, I don't think my son would have been able to fly otherwise. I doubled my hours and now have an additional rating.
I am in your exact same position and I also live in the Chicago area. I got my PPL about 1.5 years ago. As soon as I got it, I bought my tools, empenage and wings. I only have about 120 hours and have not flow for six months because I can only afford to build and not fly at the same time. I plan to get some refresher training and do some transition training when my plane is ready to fly. This will satisfy the insurance requirement. I am going to get my plane done that's IFR ready and then go for my instrument later in my own plane. My instructor at Chicago Executive is willing to teach me in my plane. You can stop by to see the project and if your willing :), I need a hand to help rivet and buck the top wing skins this weekend. My wife took off to Michigan and I was going to wait till she come back.
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My sentiments would be to get going on the plane since it is unclear where fuel prices are going. In 5-10 years, how many of us will be able to afford this wonderful hobby? Of course, I don't know your financial status and how this will affect you.
I am inclined on seeing this plane completed sooner than later and seeing where all this goes - if I can get a dozen years flying in before it gets too expensive, I will be quite happy. At least get started on the tail kit since it is relatively inexpensive as pointed out already.
I am in your exact same position and I also live in the Chicago area. I got my PPL about 1.5 years ago. As soon as I got it, I bought my tools, empenage and wings. I only have about 120 hours and have not flow for six months because I can only afford to build and not fly at the same time. I plan to get some refresher training and do some transition training when my plane is ready to fly. This will satisfy the insurance requirement. I am going to get my plane done that's IFR ready and then go for my instrument later in my own plane. My instructor at Chicago Executive is willing to teach me in my plane. You can stop by to see the project and if your willing :), I need a hand to help rivet and buck the top wing skins this weekend. My wife took off to Michigan and I was going to wait till she come back.

I'd love to talk to you :)

And yes I am willing to help you rivet. You would have to put up with my dumb, newbie questions though. I am looking at houses tomorrow (Saturday) so Sunday should be fine. Let me know if that's OK with you!

Good inputs from everyone. I recognize that this is a personal decision. I wanted some thoughts from people who have likely been where I am today :) Thanks all!

Yasho Kote
I'd love to talk to you :)

And yes I am willing to help you rivet. You would have to put up with my dumb, newbie questions though. I am looking at houses tomorrow (Saturday) so Sunday should be fine. Let me know if that's OK with you!

Good inputs from everyone. I recognize that this is a personal decision. I wanted some thoughts from people who have likely been where I am today :) Thanks all!

Yasho Kote

Sunday is good for me, I will have the left wing top skin prepped by then, since I will be spending Saturday, Devynling, deburring, dimpling and painting the left wing skins. No problem with the questions, I am by no means an expert but I will show you what mistakes not to make, like the ones I did :). I just finished the right wing top skin today with my brothers help but he too will be out of town this weekend. Your help will be appreciated. PM me and I will give you my address and phone number.