
Active Member
Vans Airforce community,

Just wanted to quickly give a public thank you to Jessie Saint and his crew at Saint Aviation for the most professional purchase transaction on my first RV-9A purchase! I've been along time stalker but have never contributed to any messages on this forum or any other forum for that matter, so I've read the rules and hopefully I'm not breaking any. As for myself, I'm a retired Navy veteran that has been looking for an RV for about 2 years. Looked at about 10 different RV's with counseling from some of the best RV mentors on the west coast. I've known about Jessie from this site, always had an outstanding reputation and I've even talked to him a few times on the phone. What I didn't realize until spending an entire week with Jessie and his crew was truly the amount of integrity, honesty, professionalism that he and his crew poses. After 2 years I have met some really great people on my search for the right RV, almost decided to build but decided I could not dedicate the time necessary and Jessie had an RV-9A I was really interested in. So I flew from San Diego to Tampa to spend the week doing a conditional inspection on the RV-9A with Jessie. I'm currently going to night school for my A&P license so I'm always in a learning mode and working side by side with one of the best (in my opinion) was a extraordinary experience. In one sentence, Jessie and his entire staff are the type of people that would give you the shirt off their back if you needed a shirt. I had full access to Jessie, his shop (even after hours), his people and even his car if I needed it. His company is truly a family experience as was evident by the plethora of RV's that were flying from around the country to his shop that week. I learned so much that week about my new RV-9A and everything that was advertised or told to me was true. My new RV-9A is absolutely what I was looking for and so much more. I probably called Jessie 20 times at night during that time and he always made time for me. Even though I left his shop last Sunday, Jessie is STILL helping me because I had to leave my new RV-9A in Louisiana due to last weeks winter storm. Yes, I got to experience (from the ground), Louisiana with sub-zero temperatures and thankfully I was able to store my RV-9A in a hanger until Jessie can come to my rescue and fly her the rest of the way to San Diego (I had to leave for work). Yes, I had Jessie on speed dial and again he was able to accommodate me on short notice and will be flying my RV-9A back to San Diego next week! Did I mention that Jessie was just the broker for this deal? He didn't have to do anything except sale the aircraft but he and his staff in my opinion have gone far above expectations of them. The RV community has some of the best people I have ever known and Jessie is definitely one of them. For those that don't know Jessie's family history it is extremely interesting. I'm not going to waste everybody's time and tell it here but google I-TEC and it's history. It's a the ultimate story about true forgiveness, integrity, honesty and selflessness! I have not talked about my new RV-9a and will wait till I actually get it home and I'll post more. I also absolutely love this forum and will be sending in my contributions. I come from a small and tight community in the Navy where you have each others back and the RV community exemplifies the same characteristic. It is such an honor to now be part of such a community.

Very Respectfully,
Welcome to VAF

Scott, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Congrats on the new bird.

Thanks for your service

Scott, welcome!

I haven?t had the pleasure of meeting Jesse or his family, but as a guy who does part time mission work (on the ?other? side of Ecuador), I finally visited iTec this year, and I would pass on that those same values you have experienced in Florida I was privy to with the staff in Shell.

Get that 9a home and enjoy it...I?m a little jealous of your wing, but I keep my little wheel in the back... :)
It was great working with you, Scott. I also had a great time flying your bird to its new home. Enjoy!