
Well Known Member
Once in a while everything drops into place.

I flew up the valley to Buena Vista, CO, (KAEJ) and did a touch and go and flew back home....not a single bump, perfect air, temperature in high 50's or low 60's - density altitude 8,000. Engine humming at 5,200 and 4.0 GPH ... two perfect landings...not even a 'squeek' - just a happy, happy, flight....don't get too many of these days. Even the feral hangar cat seems happy.

John, it's really cool when it goes like that, and that good feeling when your back is a treat. Flying is FUN!
Dick Seiders 120093
Thanks for the report John. I'd love to see photos of that beautiful Colorado landscape from your 12 if you happened to snap any. Also, where did your trip to Buena Vista begin?
Not so perfect day for me!

Had first engine run today and things went relly well till we got to the lifter check. Number four cyl has one lifter that will not pass the hammer handle check.:mad:

But glad you had a great day John.
Had first engine run today and things went relly well till we got to the lifter check. Number four cyl has one lifter that will not pass the hammer handle check.:mad:

But glad you had a great day John.

Did you do the two additional runs permitted Rotax, to try to inflate the lifter?

Best regards,
Enjoy those days every chance you get. I know the valley is really nice regularly in the morning through the summer so enjoy them John!

I am interested in your progress and diagnosis of your lifter issues but I think it should be under a new thread instead of John's post about his great flight.
I wouldn't want it to get lost or not found when others search or have a similar problem.
Thanks for posting your experience and I truely hope a workable solution is found. I too have fought through engine problems before and it can be very frustrating. I wish I had a suggestion but my lack of knowledge associated with the Rotax is apparent as I have my first one.
Please keep up the post and your progress!
