
Well Known Member
Looking ahead a couple of months to when I'll be building the wings for my 7A... I know I'll be installing an autopilot, but I have not decided yet whose I'll use. In fact, I would prefer to delay that decision as long as possible. That said, I'd like to at least install the servo mount done when I build the wings.

So... is there a list or tribal knowledge of whose A/P servos work in what mounts? Are that all compatible, all incompatible, or is there some cross-over? Are there universal servo mount kits or a design I can fabricate and build in? I'd like to be able to pick between (for example) Dynon, GRT and whatever else when I make the decision as to what goes in the panel. That will be long after the wings are done.
For the most part, the servos are proprietary and will only work the the AP heads supplied by the manufacturer. The exception are the OEM products like what Trutrak supplies Garmin and AFS.

There is very little risk in delaying that decision. At least in the RV-10, the servos can be installed after the build without much difficulty. I suspect the other models may be similiar.

I would target 6-9 months before completion and in conjunction with your EFIS selection.

I figured that, but I was asking about the physical compatibility of servo mounts. If I go with Dynon, I'll use Dynon servos; if I go with GRT, I'll use GRT servos and so on. The question is -- do they all have different mounting arrangements, or is there some commonality?
One or more of the mfgrs you mentioned have servos and brackets that look virtually identical to Trutraks. Unfortunately, I can't tell you with certainty if servo A fits into the bracket from Mfgr B. For the ones I've looked at closely, I'd be shocked if they weren't interchangeable.