
I acquired an RV-7 a few months back and it's about time for its 50 hour oil change. I'd like to make a connection with someone familiar with RVs near my home airport (KPAO) so that I can not only get this upcoming oil change done but establish a relationship in advance of my next condition inspection (July).

I realize that an oil change is relatively straightforward, but the plane is tied down as opposed to being in a hangar, and I currently don't want to deal with the hassle.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a friendly A&P nearby that provides good service and fair prices? It'd be even better if I could schedule the oil change and then have it done while I wait. I can certainly bring the oil and filter with me.

Oh also, I searched the forums and saw some hints but they were from older posts, hence the inquiry again. There was mention of Randy Thorne (not sure what's the name of his company) and also Craig Vincent with SkyView @ KTCY. Maybe they are still good options? Also open to other suggestions.

Thanks in advance!!
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Welcome to VAF

Gopal, welcome to VAF, and congrats on the new plane.

You do not need an A/P for the oil change, but if that makes you feel better, go for it.

Randy Thorne is over in Ione CA, Craig is no longer doing stuff in the RV world I believe.

There are a number of RV folks in your area that could help you with the oil, have you looked in the RV White Pages on the front page of the forum? You can sort by location.

Good luck, and enjoy the :D
Lee Apaka,

He is in Rio Vista. He does a lot of RV work and is very knowledgable with any model of RV. PM me and I will give you his info.
Aloha, Lee here
you can drop me a line at teamlightaviation at gmail.com
or text/ring me up 707.863.1121 or fly up to RioVista o88