
Well Known Member
Hi all, I'm currently based at Chino and have been having higher than normal oil temps lately. I've done some basic troubleshooting, but would like to have an A&P take a look. Any recommendations?

Your are in RV heaven there. Have you talked to anyone localy? Are you on our SoCal RVator yahoo group?
Hi all, I'm currently based at Chino and have been having higher than normal oil temps lately. I've done some basic troubleshooting, but would like to have an A&P take a look. Any recommendations?



Lots of RV'ers at CNO. Last RV that had intermittent high oil temperature that I helped troubleshoot landed at CNO. Tried a Veritherm from one of the RVs at CNO and found out that the Veritherm was bad in the high oil temp RV. We actually heated the Veritherm borrowed from a CNO RV and the one that was not working and found that the RV with oil temp issues had a Veritherm did NOT expand (get longer) as the oil got hot.
Hi Ax-O, I have not spoken to anyone locally. I'm not "plugged in" to the local RV community (certainly SHOULD be). I met have met a few folks during the airshow, but that's about it. I was living in Lake Forest but recently moved to Eastvale, and am now less than 10 minutes from the hangar, makes all the difference!

I read a good bit, and the symptoms I'm seeing would correlate to a Vernatherm malfunction, but I understand it may not be as simple as just getting another one and torquing it in.

I'm not on the Yahoo group (didn't even realize there was one!) HELP!

Email me your phone number and email address you want to use for the yahoo group. We will get you going.
Chino A&P

Hello Bart,

I?m not aware of an A&P who is a ?go-to? person at Chino for the RV community. That doesn?t say there isn?t one, but I personally don?t know whom he/she might be. I think most of us ?wrench? our own Lycomings. Certainly, if you want to stop by one of our hangars (we?re all over the place on the east side), we can give you our amateur ?2 cents.?

As Axel mentioned, if you?re looking for an A&P with lots of Lycoming experience, the SoCal RV List on Yahoo Groups is probably a good source. Also, since you?re looking for an A&P, checking with Chino?s certified crowd for a reference is probably a better option for you. I haven?t been able to get to Chino regularly lately; otherwise I would help directly, but please send me a PM if you want some further ideas.

Best of Luck,