
Well Known Member
My college buddy earned an A&P during his airline days. He is now retired and interested in doing conditional inspections for the RV folks. Having not signed logs for years, what is needed? Is he still an A&P in the eyes of the FAA?
I think this got talked about recently, but my search came up empty.
65.83 Recent experience requirements.
A certificated mechanic may not exercise the privileges of his certificate and rating unless, within the preceding 24 months?

(a) The Administrator has found that he is able to do that work; or

(b) He has, for at least 6 months?

(1) Served as a mechanic under his certificate and rating;

(2) Technically supervised other mechanics;

(3) Supervised, in an executive capacity, the maintenance or alteration of aircraft; or

(4) Been engaged in any combination of paragraph (b) (1), (2), or (3) of this section.

Bob burns
6 Months

I had remembered 6 months as the time required to work under supervision to get current again. Here is the reference:

? 65.83 Recent experience requirements.
A certificated mechanic may not exercise the privileges of his certificate and rating unless, within the preceding 24 months -

(a) The Administrator has found that he is able to do that work; or

(b) He has, for at least 6 months -

(1) Served as a mechanic under his certificate and rating;

(2) Technically supervised other mechanics;

(3) Supervised, in an executive capacity, the maintenance or alteration of aircraft; or

(4) Been engaged in any combination of paragraph (b) (1), (2), or (3) of this section.
He would have to work under the supervision of an A&P for the first 6 months and that A&P would have to sign his work off. After that he would be free to work on his own.
I wonder what the Administrator would ask for.... other than that listed, that would show he can do the work?
He'd have to make an appointment and meet with a FSDO maintenance inspector, which would likely quiz him. If they don't have a problem with him then they would write a letter saying that he may resume exercising the privileges of his A&P. They could stipulate conditions, such as completion of a refresher course.
I wonder what the Administrator would ask for.... other than that listed, that would show he can do the work?

I think this is was primarily written in to account for someone that just passed the practical A&P test (passing implies they demonstrated that they can work as an A&P) but doesn't have the 6 months of practical experience.
The person that administered the practical test and approved them as passing is filling the position of administrator.