
Well Known Member

I've close to 60 hrs on my -7 now, (the only flying -7 in Norway by the way) and I'm REALLY enjoying it!
What a GREAT plane the RV is!

A couple of days ago, I took an evening trip to the highest mountain in my area. It's name is "Gaustadtoppen" and is situated near the town Rjukan in the SE Norway.

I brought my camera along and took some pics.
Hope you like them.

Here am I approaching the mountain from the south:

Here's a close-up seen towards the east:
PS: the shadow on the wing is a propeller-blade.

Here's a pic of the mountain and the city below it: Rjukan.
Notice how the nice sun shines down on the city because the sun is in the west. The sun uses about ONE HOUR to pass due west, so imagine how dark it is down here during THE OTHER hours during daylight...

There's an elevator-car (!) on rails INSIDE the mountain going from the city all the way to the top of the mountain. It takes you about 5500' up and uses approx 20 minutes to do so..

And here's the powerplant in the valley: "Vemork".
This plant became "famous" during WW II and a movie was made afterwards: "Heroes from Telemark" with Kirk Douglas as the main actor.

And here's a pic taken towards the north:
It'll take a while before the snow is gone...

... and 20 minutes after this, I landed at my home airport in beautiful spring weather... no snow, alittle green on the trees and temps around 50*F...
The RV can take you around pretty quickly!
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Great pictures Alf.

When I saw the picture of the town of Rjukan, I thought that they had built the town so big that all the farm land was covered up. But if they only get 1 hour of light a day, than I guess that they wouldn't be able to grow anything anyway.

My ancestors are from around the vestkapp area. I remember visiting Norway when I was in highschool with fond memories. Your pictures are excellent!

I hope you got a 406 MHz something flying over all that...Almost as bad as crossing the atlantic..:)

Wow! The scenery is spectacular - it reminds me a little of Iceland, which I had the opportunity to visit for a few weeks when I was in the (US) Navy. Some of the guys in my squadron were fortunate enough to get to Norway on detachment, but I never made it there. I forget the name of the base they visited, though -- it was somewhere on the western coast, quite a bit north of Oslo.

Thanks for sharing these photos, and thanks particularly for the interesting facts about the area you were flying over!

-- Chris

Hi again.

Thanks for all the nice comments folks.

I'll just add a note regarding the 406-ELT: it's mandatory here in Norway from the 1st July this year.
And yes: I installed my 406 a month ago...
It was an easy replacement since I swopped my AK-450 with a AK-451.

PS: Hopefully late this summer, my wife and me will take the RV to some of the Norwegian fjords on the SW coast so stand by for more pics...
Will be looking to the skies in September

My wife and I will be touring Norway in September and she will wonder why I am looking to the skies so much. Don't strafe any tour busses now! Looking forward to seeing your country.

Bob Axsom