Dale D

I have been lurking and learning from this group for the past year or so, as I searched for a flying RV-9A. You have already answered more questions than you will ever realize.

On Jan. 12th, I became an RV owner for the first time. I flew my new-to-me RV-9A (N94KJ) from Oregon to its new home in Michigan in the best and worst of Winter weather.

I have been flying certified planes for 14 years, but nothing has come close to the performance I have experienced in the RV-7A I flew for transition training, and now the RV-9A. My wife is enjoying the plane, too.

We already have many new destinations on our bucket list.
I'm sure I will have questions as time goes on. I'm learning something new about these planes every day.
I just wanted to say hello and say thanks for the help along the way.

Good to hear

Glad you made it back safely and glad you are enjoying 94KJ
It was great to meet you when you came west
Hi Dale,
Congrats on the 9A purchase. Great to have another RV on the field.


Glad to hear you are enjoying your new RV. It will open many new doors for you and your wife. Let the fun begin!

We already have many new destinations on our bucket list.



Welcome Dale! Life is too short to see everything in USA so we need to prioritize. Could you share couple destinations from your bucket list? :)
Congrats on the new buy, sometimes I wonder if I should have gone 9 instead of the 7 for cross country stability and a better IFR platform.

Could you share couple destinations from your bucket list? :)

Hey Vlad aren't you the Cross Country Champ?or Rosie?
where are your must go's?
Im envoyons of you all
banging rivits...
...Could you share couple destinations from your bucket list? :)

Hello Vlad,
Thank you for the warm welcome.

In no particular order:
1. Flying to the NorthWest coast to visit relatives.
My original trip from the NorthWest was weather-driven, so taking in the scenery was minimal. We would like to enjoy the sights along the way.
2. Flying to Florida - Just because we can. :)
3. Flying to West Virginia to give each granddaughter a ride in the RV.
4. Flying to Kitty Hawk KFFA (First Flight Airport) in Kill Devil Hills, NC
(We have visited the Outer Banks by car, but never by air.)
5. Flying to Colorado (Relatives & Friends)
