How old are you? (Note: poll only for pilots of aerobatic RVs)

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
I recently conducted a poll for all VAF members (flyers and builders) and over 600 responded. Thank you! This poll is ONLY for those currently flying an RV that is AEROBATIC (RV-3/4/6/7/8). There are around 7000 aerobatic RVs flying and your responses to this poll will help the International Aerobatic Club (IAC) target membership marketing to RV pilots. Again, thank you for participating.

A FREE 6-month membership is still being offered to VAF members. You can sign up HERE.
another age bracket?

I see you added another age group.:confused: Best of luck at Farmville this weekend, and make us proud.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Ron, I had an S1S for 500 hrs thru intermediate IAC and flew 3 airshows with an 800' card. Last was proposing to Frau at Scott AFB's open house airshow in June 2001. Life got busy after 9/11.

Bought an RV-6 with no inverteds, it rolls and loops with aplomb. Both competing and acro contests take large time and $ increases. I may jdge or just rejoin and volunteer oneday, I have much to pay back.
Ron, I had an S1S for 500 hrs thru intermediate IAC and flew 3 airshows with an 800' card. Last was proposing to Frau at Scott AFB's open house airshow in June 2001. Life got busy after 9/11.

Bought an RV-6 with no inverteds, it rolls and loops with aplomb. Both competing and acro contests take large time and $ increases. I may jdge or just rejoin and volunteer oneday, I have much to pay back.

It's never too late to start anew. Look at Bill McLean; competing at the Intermediate level in his RV-4 at 76 years young! Happy to see you return to IAC in any capacity. Most don't know that only 11% of IAC members are active competitors. There's a lot to offer for non-competitive types.
Hi Ron,
I voted though my -4 is not yet done, should be flying December/January. Building it with heavy emphasis on aerobatics, oil/fuel/mounts/parachute/power to weight. I'm 37 and can't wait to get flying and join IAC. Keep up the great effort with recruiting RV pilots to IAC.

N11XZ- Almost done

Almost 68
5.5 in the 8, (ACM)
+6.5 , -2 in Pitts S-1
All in the last 30 days
It's the body not the age 👍🚀
Hi Ron,
I voted though my -4 is not yet done, should be flying December/January. Building it with heavy emphasis on aerobatics, oil/fuel/mounts/parachute/power to weight. I'm 37 and can't wait to get flying and join IAC. Keep up the great effort with recruiting RV pilots to IAC.

N11XZ- Almost done


You can join IAC for FREE right now. Can't wait to see your -4 in the box. You're going to have a ball!