
Well Known Member
Indecision might be the key to flexibility, but I'm tired of pondering ADS-B options so have narrowed my options to:
1. Garmin: GDL 82, GDL 52R interfacing with Aera 660
2. echoUAT, SkyFYX-EXT interfacing with AFS 4500

Both options will interface with iPad/Foreflight.

Looking for updated real-world experience from those with either of these configurations. Correct me if I'm wrong but from previous postings it seems that Garmin performance is offset by Garmin pricing!

And there were previous echoUAT performance issues.

Don't want this to be viewed as a primer-war type issue, but both product lines have been available long enough to generate updated user comments. Thanks.
You might be better asking this question in VAF Forums > Avionics / Interiors / Fiberglass / ADS-B

[ed. I moved it there. v/r,dr]
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Echo UAT, SKYFX, AFS 5600T Works Great!

According to the FAA ---- traffic issues seem to be fixed with latest software upgrade by uAvionix AND the latest by AFS. Flown several hours with the combination and very satisfied (also get the ADS-B on my backup iFly740 through the WiFi from the Echo.)


A number us recently installed the GDL 82, works as advertised and works well with the 696/796.
I have the echo device. At first there were issues with targets dropping out. I can report the software updates appears to have fixed this issue. Via wifi it works well with both my ifly 740 and a backup nexus tablet.
Great support from the company as well!!!
My RV 8 is equipped with an AFS 4500 and I contemplated a simular ADSB decision.

I decided to go with the Garmin 660 and Garmin ADSB in/Out option by way of a GTX 345 because the GDL 82 and 51/52 were not available when I made my choice. If this option was available, I could have saved some money and gained SXM capabilities.

I?m very impressed with the way Garmin displays traffic and WX. The ability to tap the 660 touch screen and get text METAR is fantastic. The audio alerts are great. Not sure how that would be achieved on the AFS 4500?

My ForeFlight rarely gets used in the cockpit anymore.
GDL 82

I am thrilled with my newly installed GDL 82. I received my rebate check in 3 weeks

The GDL 82 was fairly simple to install. I paired it with my old but reliable King KT76 transponder.

I had a Garmin 696 and GDL 39 already. The traffic displayed on the G696 is superb, target trends, altitude separation, and audible traffic alerts. I think the GDL82 is reasonably priced for what you get and what it does

Couldn't be more satisfied. Can't compare to your other option since I have no operational experience. I researched all the manufacturers ADSB solutions and this setup was the best
Indecision might be the key to flexibility, but I'm tired of pondering ADS-B options so have narrowed my options to:
1. Garmin: GDL 82, GDL 52R interfacing with Aera 660
2. echoUAT, SkyFYX-EXT interfacing with AFS 4500

Both options will interface with iPad/Foreflight.

Looking for updated real-world experience from those with either of these configurations.

Why not pay less and have it all? Just take your Option 1 above and remove the GDL-82 and replace it it with the echoUAT. Woola. Now you have a configuration that is 2020 out compliant with any and all available "in". Including dual-band TIS-B and FIS-B, attitude (GDL-52 sourced) and SXM if desired. So you can choose any combination of your favorite device or app such as ForeFlight, Garmin portables like aeras, G3X, or GPSMAPs, iFly, FlyQ EFB, Avare, Garmin Pilot, Aerovie, Flightplan Go, Naviator, WingX etc.... You get the picture. Any kind of device the pilot or passenger(s) may like to use concurrently. And you will not be locked into one manufacturer's proprietary "in" protocol with the ability to change flight decks and portable platforms in the future.

I have an airplane with this set-up with the echo supported by a legacy King KT76A Mode C transponder, a GDL-52, an aera 660 an Android smartphone running iFly and an iPad running FlyQ EFB. It works great.

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Installed GDL-82 last week in my RV-4. Replaced old Terra radio and xponder with used GTX327 and dual Becker 4301s. Replaced Garmin 496 with a 660. Previously replaced XM weather with GDL-39. Installed GPS antenna under cowl. Great install manual and easy installation. Good price and service from John Stark. Met all FAA performance on first flight. Installed anonymous mode switch and failure indicator.
After flying in uncontrolled airports and viewing other traffic with N number IDs, I am going to change the way I announce my position on CTAF. Normally I would state my position with yellow and white RV; I now see the advantage of using aircraft call sign to help others in correlating visual with ADSB position.