Robert M

Well Known Member
Today, after literally 12 hours of riveting (between myself and VERY good friend) and after some 1050 plus rivets have been set, it seems that I am ready to ?ROLL THE CANOE OVER?! For those of you that are passed this point and moving on to bigger and better things ? this is old hat. For those of you that have yet to reach this point, I hope that you will have the same feeling of accomplishment that I have right at this moment.

Sorry about the rivet count ? some of you have expressed the desire to NEVER know how many there were ? my bad!

Now, if I could just get my job back I could afford this plane.
where's the beer pic?

Aren't we supposed to get a pic of you in the canoe with your favorite brew?


canoeing and brewing

UH, well, yeah sure, just as soon as I can get it turned over. After riveting all day, we were both worn out and now it's in the garage calling to me - "Flip me over, flip me over."

When the pic is taken it will be me with some "American Honey" from Wild Turkey. Hm, hm that stuff is TOO good!
way to go!!

Way to go, Robert!! What part of SC do you live in? We flipped ours not that long ago. Wings went on for the first time a few weeks ago. Hope you get to come to our RV fly-in on April 4th @ KCUB. Would love to have you here.
Way to go Robert

Now you have something to sit in. I too was really excited when I got to this stage. I'll let you in on a little secret - the real money starts to flow going forward from this point :rolleyes:. Hope you get a job back real soon.

Good to hear your riveting session went well, now for all the little detail work.

Let me know if you want me to come down to Rock Hill to look it over.

And good luck with the job thing!
looking at the work so far.....

Bill, yes, by all means come and take a look. I will be returning to work on April 1st (no foolin'!) at half my salary, working 5 days a week 8 hours a day -and no OT allowed. Heh, it's a paycheck!

RVRC - Robert! I live in the upper part of the state - 5 minutes from I-77 in Rock Hill. Where are you located and congrats on getting your wings on I'm not that far away from doing the same.

dhall_polo! The picture with the drink will be taken tomorrow. I needed the assitence of my wonderful wife to take the picture, otherwise I'd spill the drink trying to beat the timer on the camera.

cln1owner - Congrats to you as well. I can't express the feeling of accomplishment I have had.

Fearless - I figured as much. My wife and I were just discussing the how's and where-to's of which part I order next. My current thinking is to go ahead and order the finishing kit (based on installing a Lycoming or clone) O-320 and just hope I will eventually have the money to actually buy an engine.

Thanks for the congrats from everyone, what a great bunch of people we have here at the forum.