
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I've been in the Reno/Carson/Norcal area for close to a year now - and one of the things that I definitely have missed about Texas is the little cremaery in Brenham - and the malts you can make with Blue Bell Ice Cream. For those who've never flown in to the Cafe in Brenham - its a treat.

So now I am on a quest for a good fly-in location - say, 100 miles or less from Dayton Valley (A34) - that serves a good Malt. Not a shake, a real Malt, where you can ask for "extra malt", and get a REAL treat. Gotta' be on the field - a good burger is a plus, but the malt is mandatory!

I'm ready to go tomorrow for lunch - any suggestions?:D
No malts but... Head east of Fallon, just north of R-4804A (on a weekend the range is usually closed), and follow the highway past the bombing range to the VFR cooridor to Middlegate. It's 39 17.16, 118 01.126. Literally the only thing there, you can't miss it. Land on the road (or wherever, it's Nevada) and taxi up for the best burger within 500 miles.

Friend of mine used to take is C-180 out there. Or you can drive it but what fun is that?

If you're curious:
NRS 493.050  Lawfulness of flight and landing; liability for forced landing.
1.  Flight in aircraft over the lands and waters of this state is lawful:
(a) Unless at such a low altitude as to interfere with the then existing use to which the land or water, or the space over the land or water, is put by the owner.
(b) Unless so conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water beneath.
2.  The landing of an aircraft on the lands or waters of another, without his or her consent, is unlawful, except in the case of a forced landing. For damages caused by a forced landing, the owner, lessee or operator of the aircraft is liable as provided in NRS 493.060.
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I am trying to remember, but I think both the restaurant at Lodi and Willows both offer malts--but I could be wrong.....
Nut Tree...

I had planned on stopping once at Nut Tree VCB and treated the kids, homemade ice cream, malts.... At Fenton's Creamery. So no first hand experience.
Here's another pilots Comments;

Though not quite as classic as the Piedmont Ave location in Oakland, this venerable soda fountains Nut Tree location has an added bonus--an airstrip 100 yards away. Handmade ice cream is what you go for so don't load up on fries etc. There is no better birthday treat for kids of all ages than an airplane trip to go out for ice-cream.

123.8 miles.... Better run LOP
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Nancy's at Willows as I recall has got malts on the menu.

BTW, I love a good malt--------peanut butter being my favorite:D
Great Basin Brewery makes a few decent malt beverages here in Reno. Not sure I would put ice cream in mine:eek:, but whatever works for you:D

Paul, 53VG just added authentic malts to its menu - in your honor. They are served with real molasses cookies because that's what I like with my malt :)
Paul, 53VG just added authentic malts to its menu - in your honor. They are served with real molasses cookies because that's what I like with my malt :)

I wish I knew that yesterday! Ernie and I could have been your first customers. In our ignorance we did a "sort of low pass" over 53VG and boogied over to Tangier for our first crab cake sandwiches of the season.

I will say the approach to 21 was interesting. You sure wouldn't want to land long. What are your operating hours?
A little beyond my 100 mile circle there Glen - but I appreciate the invite!

We accomplished the mission for lunch today at Willows - Nancy's restaurant. Good old-fashioned malts with extra malt - and a pretty good burger as well. Flew down to Cameron Park, swapped into the right seat of Mike and Laura Starkey's RV-10 so we could do a little EFIS tutoring, and enjoyed a nice cruise across the fertile lands of Northern California. Great airport dining, a smooth trip back to their place, and only a few bumps across the Sierra on the way home in Tsam. Worth the trip!

BTW Greg - I have come to enjoy a good "Ichy" now and again.... :)
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Hey Paul, I think a better tittle for this thread would be "How to increase your empty weight, without turning a wrench!!" Very dangerous idea here:D

That is one thing I really miss about flying in the Northeast. Up there, you can fly into Jaffrey, NH (KAFN) and walking down to Kimball Farms for one of their homemade ice creams! I am ashamed to admit how many times I made that trip in the 12 months I lived there.

Glad you found a good malt place. Anyone know of a place a little closer to San Diego??

How about stretching it to 130 miles

Fentons Creamery at the Nut Tree airport in Vacaville. Five minute walk from airplane parking.


I agree Paul. And no liquid malt syrup junk. Gotta have real ice cream and the real malt powder you can taste (and sometimes chew)....and plenty of it.
No flying here with all the soggy weather but I did end the day with a hearty Malt. Oddly, it's the kind of malt Paul requested made with the kind of malt Greg "suggested".

Milk, ice cream, a little squirt of chocolate and dark DME !

No, not "distance measuring equipment"!