
Well Known Member
Diana and I departed PXE (central GA) around 1100. We picked our way through the scattered clouds and set course for the Cuyler Airpark Ice Cream Social. Upon reaching cruise altitude (5500), Diana took over and flew us to our decent point near Cuyler (FD27). I have been showing her how to maintain straight and level and follow the GPS track. This time, she also handled tank changes and was briefed on the engine instruments and what they mean. Decent to land was hers until it got choppy down low so the approach was handled by daddy-o.


John and the gang at Cuyler Airpark are wonderful hosts. Diana and I enjoyed milkshakes, watched landings, talked, and checked out hangars which were full of projects. Life as it should be! The field at Cuyler is long, flat, wide, and well maintained. A pleasure to fly off of. We are looking forward to returning to FD27 especially since we forgot to take some pictures of the place and people.


Sitting under a shade tree sipping milkshakes, Diana sez, "hey daddy, we should fly somewhere for lunch."
I replied in the affirmative after thinking it over for a split second. I called my sister who lives in Ocala about 70 miles away and told her we would be at the airport around 1430.
Sister Liz and nephew Nathan met us at the Tailwinds Cafe at OCF and we enjoyed another great meal. I have been at this place many times and enjoy it always.
Soon we were winging our way home at 8500 with Diana at the controls. We talked about VORs and tracked one a little with the seldom used NAV feature on the KX125. Also talked about engine out scenarios and the emergency frequency. She maintains alt and heading better than me and I am giving her a little more information with each flight. We are having a great time flying together!

Arrived back home around 1730.

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