Hi my name is Larry I'm new to this form I alway wanted to build a kit plane and one just fell into my lap today I just got wings and tail for a 93 ish rv4 completed already I'm a full time motorcycle / Jetski tek but this pile of parts in front of me is a little scary looking is there anyone in the Austin tx area that has or is building an rv that can give me an overview and maybe show me there aircraft?

Start reading!...I have been in the same situation since last November with my 7 project. 95% of my time I have spent on the project has been reading and studying! Read this forum, look at other builders web pages, study the plans. If you are like me, you are ahead on construction, but way behind on knowledge.
I feel like I'm drinking from a fire hose a lot of times, but its getting better now after a couple of years. Dig in and take solace in each small sub-task (on the way to completing an airplane part) where you learn something new.
There's a saying that goes "The way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."

Instead of looking at the top of the mountain you are climbing, concentrate on the steps you are taking. You just need to savor the accomplishment of each task you are currently working on. Eventually, all those accomplishments turn into an airplane.

Savor the journey
Thanks for advice my eyes are bleeding for reeding so much already lol MikeyDale was 100% right "ahead on construction, but way behind on knowledge"
Well you made a good start with your forum name. :D
Like everyone else, I started slow. I'm not done yet, but somewhere along the way I started enjoying the building. I'm not just building to get an RV-8.
Now I'm punching out the last few items on the EAA guide to aircraft certification, and I'm thinking about starting another ...:confused:
Perhaps you'll enjoy the process, the people you meet, and the plane.
Breakaway has RVs


There are several RV's based up at 40XS, Breakaway airpark in Cedar Park (Parmer/Brushycreek area). There are a few under construction as well. Give me an email and we can eval what you're looking for in the way of info exchange or demo's.
