
I've been preparing for the last year for this. Building work benches, buying tools, cleaning out the shop, etc.. and now the journey begins. Should have the empannage in a few days. I will be a more active participant on this site until I finish the build, quit, or slip the surly bonds that one last time.

Quick Build
IO-360>CS :)
Webhead said:
I've been preparing for the last year for this.......:)
Congratulations! Few things in this life equal the excitement and anticipation of waiting for the empennage kit to arrive. Here's a taste. :D


Webhead said:
I've been preparing for the last year for this. Building work benches, buying tools, cleaning out the shop, etc.. and now the journey begins. Should have the empannage in a few days. I will be a more active participant on this site until I finish the build, quit, or slip the surly bonds that one last time.

Quick Build
IO-360>CS :)

Let the fun begin....and never,never,never give up. This is one of the hardest things I have done thus far...(that includes a BS degee, MBA Degree, Raising 7 great kids and now grand kids, 27 years as a public high school Chemistry teacher, President of a Credit Union,..................)But I can't begin to give you a taste of the joy of the great new friends, things learned, mistakes overcome, wanting to quit but not wanting to set a bad example for my family, and the joy of finishing the tanks (PROSEAL !!!!!#$%^^&^%$#$#), tip up canopy, and all the other supposed hard tasks. The panel is my latest challenge but with my new skills in metal fabrication, Aeroelectric knowledge, and reading the forum at Vansairforce past and present it is really coming together nicely.

Be patient, ask questions, if it doesn't fit find out why before plowing a head, always check the tools for size (especially drill bits and countersinks), get help from family and friends, don't despair when mistakes happen....just buy new parts (as all of us have done) or find away to fix the problem, and last but not least know when to quit and give time to other activities, and oh ya really last but not least ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank @ SGU RV7A Panel/Electrical "NDY"

Here are some tips to help keep you sane:

It's an airplane not a Space Shuttle, a Rolex, or crystal china. Follow the plans. Build with precision, but keep in mind there are acceptable tolerances and it's not made of glass.

It's your project. Build on your schedule. The only deadlines are those you set (and break). Work on it every day. Even if only for a few minutes.

Focus on the part or parts your are working on now. They will become an airplane eventually.

When you get frustrated or discouraged, go flying; even if it's not in an RV.

Believe 50% of what you read or hear about homebuilt aircraft construction - whether it's on the internet, or at a EAA meeting.

Now you need to decide which 50% of this post to believe.... ;)
I'm with you Webhead. I'll be calling Vans in a couple of weeks (as soon as the shop is complete, and defeinitely before I leave for OSH) to order the Emp kit for my 7A SB. The excitement around the house is uh... building. :)

Welcome webhead,

BTW, there are 28 day programs for guys like you and the rest of us here :)

This will be an exciting and important part of your life for a considerable time to come. You will meet some outstanding people here and in your local RV community.

As was said earlier, and even earlier by Winston Churchill, don't ever, ever, ever, give up!

I follow a sort of Zen approach to building. When I feel that is it right, I build. Other guys and gals who are building set a schedule. It is totally up to you.

Welcome to the *club*. I look forward to your future posts about primers, tailwheel v. nosewheel, etc. It's all good. Congratulations on the beginning of your adventure.
Webhead, welcome to the fun! Just keep telling yourself you eat an elephant one bite at a time and keep chewing.

Have fun!
All Right!

Ha! You guys are great! Thanks for the welcome and words of advice. Now why hasn't that delivery guy shown up yet?!!!!!!

In North Idaho
and remember, there are a gazillion of us out here reeady to giver you a ride, just in case you need inspiration.

I can't imagine a better adventure to embark on.

build on, and enjoy the ride

One more rivet is alwys one less to complete. I took 7.5 years, a few breaks on the way, but WOW, what a payoff at the end!
7.5 years... wow


I have just joined the forum and I am doing the project managment on this. The costings the time lines on when things will be bought, which componenets, what mods I want to make, what engine... etc... I would like to have too many surprises.

How much time does the average Joe spend on this with work and comitments like family after work? 10 hours a week? more?

Is getting this thing done in 2 years out fo the question?
Congratulations, Webhead! I have ordered the preview plans for an RV-8 myself, and hope to have the opportunity to order the empennage soon. I'm reading the forums a little more and getting more and more excited everyday. I look forward to following your progress!

Well, I just started my RV-10 in Febuary, but have been averaging 15 hr/week. I had planned on a 5-7 year build with 7-10 hr per week, but am enjoying the build so much that I am managing double what I was planning. Have a 7yr old and 9yr old, and a demanding IT job. I have not turned on a TV since Feburary, but have completed VS, HS, Rudder, and should be closing my elevators up by the end of the month. Original schedule called for me to be ordering the wings the first of next year, now I think I will be ordering them the end of June.
