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Well Known Member
Ameri-King makes a cheap (200.00) and light ELT that covers 121.5,military, 406, and has voice transmit capabilty. The AK406. This way you could tell the folks that it hurts and they should get thier butts here now! This unit comes with antenas and mounting bracket. It uses 6 d cell batteries and has an opitinal extended warranty. After checking the ELTs out there this one looks good. This ELT has been around since the late 90s so it must work OK. Now if we could make it fool proof (antenna can't break off) we would be done. The mounting location will help solve this problem. If one is still alive after the crash it could be used as a PLB. It is water proof unless you go down to the Titanic.:)
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Got a link?

I suspect that retrofit 406Mhz ELTs will be a hot item at Oshkosh this year. I know I'm looking for one.
You got my attention. I can't see any mention of the ELT on their web site. The only one that I see is the AK-450 for $189.00. 121.5 and 243mhz.
Can't Find

You got my attention. I can't see any mention of the ELT on their web site. The only one that I see is the AK-450 for $189.00. 121.5 and 243mhz.

Just search for Ameri-King AK450 and you'll find one for airplanes and one for helicopters! Many people sell them like Spruce.
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I've been in contact with Ameriking for about a year and a half now keeping up on their GPS capable 406 ELT (AK-451). 60 days ago their engineer said it was undergoing final TSO tests and that he thought it might be released for sale in the late summer.

I'll drop him another E-mail to see what the latest status is. They always had the best deals on voice capable, inexpensive ELTs so I was waiting for release of this one. Good company to deal with.
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All the specs for the AK-450 I can find offer 121.5 and 243 MHz. Where am I missing the 406 frequency?
Ameri-King AK450 ELT

I've been reading about them for an hour. I even know that the FAA fined the company 10,000 dollars for testing the ELT outside of an enclosed structure in the LAX area twice! If I am dreaming this or my ESP is that good I'll have to go out and buy a lottery ticket. They talked about all 3 frequincys. A number of places sell them. I looked in a couple of catalogs that I have and they are there.

We all want you to be right, but the listing I see for the AK-450 says it meets TSO C91a which says "...Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Emergency Locator Transmitters; Automatic Fixed - ELT (AF), Automatic Portable - ELT (AP), Automatic Deployable - ELT (AD), Survival - ELT (S); Operating on 121.5 and 243.0 Megahertz...” And the 450-1 is the helicopter version. If you have been reading about it on the internet, we would all like to see the URL.
I do find a 406 type ELT from Ameri-King for a little over $500, but it is a personal ELT, does not include a G-switch, remote on-off switch or an aircraft mounting bracket. It's an AK-451-PLB.
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Ameri-King makes a cheap (200.00) and light ELT that covers 121.5,military, 406, and has voice transmit capabilty. The AK406. This way you could tell the folks that it hurts and they should get thier butts here now! This unit comes with antenas and mounting bracket. It uses 6 d cell batteries and has an opitinal extended warranty. After checking the ELTs out there this one looks good. This ELT has been around since the late 90s so it must work OK. Now if we could make it fool proof (antenna can't break off) we would be done. The mounting location will help solve this problem. If one is still alive after the crash it could be used as a PLB. It is water proof unless you go down to the Titanic.:)

There is no such thing as an AK-406, the AK-450 does not do 406, and the only "replacement" 406 unit that Ameri-King sells (or will be selling is the AK-451) as mentioned above. However, it like the others *isn't* 189.00

Just figured someone should clear the air. Don't get me wrong, I hope there is a cheap replacement, but it doesn't exist yet.
Ameri-King AK450 ELT

Do not look at the AK451. One of my catalogs comes from ChiefAircraft. Thier website is WWW.CHIEFAIRCRAFT.COM . On page 17 this ELT is shown. the price shows $189.75. This ELT has voice transmitting capability. It transmits on 121.5, 243.0 and 406 hertz. The size is 4.27 x 2.95 x 5.64 . It weighs 2 lbs 10 oz . So if you want to pay lots I'll send you one postage paid for less than $350.00 .
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You obviously have a much better computer than the rest of us. First off, when I go to, it won't allow me to go to "page 17." And the only Ameri-King ELT I can find on their website is the AK-450 which mentions nothing about 406 MHz. What is the model number?
You better buy up a bunch of these things and resell them at a profit.
This sounds like a great deal. Please help us find it.
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Mel -
If you look at FAA TSO 91a docket 26180 dated june 25 1994 it shows all 3 freqs. Because this ELT meets FAA TSO 91a not (91) it HAS 3 freqs. My computer that I use here is a Compaq Exel portable running Windows XP ed 2 32 bit. It is 3 years old. The search engine is MSN. When I screw up I expect to get chastized. When I don't , I laugh at people that say I do.
The reason you can't go to page 17 is because you need one of thier catalogs!
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So are you saying I can't find it on the internet?
If there is a place please give me an address.

I just read TSO C91a and saw no mention of 406 MHz.
TSO C91a ELTs have been required for all new installations since June of 1995. I've signed of several hundred airplanes that don't have 406 MHz capability. If this has been a requirement I need to know about it.
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Do not look at the AK451. One of my catalogs comes from ChiefAircraft. Thier website is WWW.CHIEFAIRCRAFT.COM . On page 17 this ELT is shown. the price shows $189.75. This ELT has voice transmitting capability. It transmits on 121.5, 243.0 and 406 hertz. The size is 4.27 x 2.95 x 5.64 . It weighs 2 lbs 10 oz . So if you want to pay lots I'll send you one postage paid for less than $350.00 .

It's a misprint for sure...
Mel -
If you look at FAA TSO 91a docket 26180 dated june 25 1994 it shows all 3 freqs. Because this ELT meets FAA TSO 91a not (91) it HAS 3 freqs. My computer that I use here is a Compaq Exel portable running Windows XP ed 2 32 bit. It is 3 years old. The search engine is MSN. When I screw up I expect to get chastized. When I don't , I laugh at people that say I do.
The reason you can't go to page 17 is because you need one of thier catalogs!

Here is the spec sheet for the AK450 from the Ameri-King site:


"Transmitter operating frequencies: 121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz"

Don't worry, I'm not laughing. :)
If you look at FAA TSO 91a you'll send me the 5 bucks or say the FAA lied.

I just posted the link to the current FAA TSO C91a. NO mention of 406hz, so according to the FAA website, I'll be keeping my $5.

Here is the link for minimum standards for 406hz ELTs. TSO C126

I'm also not laughing. I would love to find a $189 406hz ELT(ok $194 if I send you 5).
Lee, I think what you are looking at is manufacturers that have applied that their ELTs meet TSO C91a with the 406 MHz frequency. The actual TSO only lists 121.5 and 243 MHz.
What you are seeing in the catalog is most likely a misprint. Why would they make the AK-451 for over $500 and sell another model that does the same thing for under $200?
Your thread.....I'm through.

Believe me I have read it. After all I have to apply it to every aircraft that I certify. And I have yet to certify one that has 406 MHz capability.
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Maybe since the 450 is a series for AK, such as the standard 450, 450-1 for helicopters and now the 451 they are advertising 91a due to the 406 changes taking place in the ELT world. The change over is not far off.
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I think we've beat this one to death, no sense in piling on....even though it was sorta entertaining. :)


Thread closed.
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