
Well Known Member
MODS.. DR approved this post in the General Section.

I just wanted to let everyone know about the surprise I received in the mail Wednesday afternoon.

First, as was announced on VAF earlier, my wife Somer and I had our third son on November 6th, his name is Avery.

When I got my mail on Wednesday, I noticed there was a letter from Bob and Judy Avery of Avery Tools. When I opened the letter I was speechless. Inside there was a letter that said..

"Dear Matt and family:

Congratulations on the new arrival.

Enclosed is a little something to keep the late night feedings and airplane building going smoothly!!

Signed Bob and Judy Avery"

What was enclosed was not little by any standards. Instead I found a substantially sized gift certificate to Avery Tools!

I can not begin to express how nice of a gesture this was. It simply amazes me to see a business take such a personal approach to their customers. I would like to publicly thank Avery tools (I asked Bob before I posted this on VAF) for their kindness and generosity!

So what do you guys think? If I have another kid, should I name him Lycoming?


That is great news. Just makes me want to pick up the phone and buy something from them. Only I'm not in need any tools.

However, if they have diapers, I could use another box of them.

Again, congrats!

Hey DR, any chance we can get some VAF hats made in kid sizes?
Very, very cool!
Congrats again and wishing you the best,
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Not to imply this was their intention, but probably about the best advertising $200 could ever buy:D

And rightfully so!
Matt (and Bob)...

That is just too too cool. That really makes my day.

BTW - Our baby is due at the end of April. I belive I've I'm going to name him Garmin and his middle name will be G900X. :D

Phil (Father of "Garmin G900x Perry") Perry
Phil (Father of "Garmin G900x Perry") Perry

I'm going to name my first born Van! :D

Congrats Matt! That's an awesome picture and gift! Can't knock Avery(The Tools) for not being a great family oriented business! I will continue to spend my money with these fine folks!
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Hicks Airfield

Hicks airfield, Fort Worth, Texas is blessed to have The Avery family here. We are lucky to have such great friends.

Thank You