
Well Known Member
First of all, I love my NavWorx ADS-B! I was an early adapter to the box and it has always worked very well. A couple of times, at no additional expense, I did have to send the box back for upgrades because of FAA changes in the ADS-B Specs but never for a malfunction. Recently, I had one of these updates and on my flight to Oshkosh, I was not getting correct displays of ADS-B traffic on my GRT display. Bill Moffett knew exactly what was causing the problem. Apparently, the GRT Hx display uses a large amount of memory for synthetic vision and is not able to handle traffic updates of more than 4 updates per second. The ADS-B was configures to send updates at 12 updates per second. So that I could have a correct display of traffic on my flight home, Bill went out of his way to download the needed programming app onto a computer that evening. Then the next day, he left his booth and made the long, hot trip out to Homebuilt Camping to personally reset the update rate and to insure that the ADS-B was perfectly configures. I could not be more thankful and appreciative of his fine example of outstanding Customer Service. Well done Bill Moffett!!
Bill and the whole team at NavWorx has always been great to work with. Yes, they did take a long time to get the -EXP box finally into production, but they are done and the units have been working great.
Recently, I had one of these updates and on my flight to Oshkosh, I was not getting correct displays of ADS-B traffic on my GRT display. Bill Moffett knew exactly what was causing the problem. Apparently, the GRT Hx display uses a large amount of memory for synthetic vision and is not able to handle traffic updates of more than 4 updates per second. The ADS-B was configures to send updates at 12 updates per second.

I am glad that Bill Moffitt help you out.

I brought the issue up to Jeff. He was unaware of the issue. He also mentioned that the memory in the HX couldn't be the source of the problem. In any case, I am having Jeff contact Bill Moffitt so they can resolve the issue.

-Marc Robertson
GRT Avionics
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I agree with Jesse.
I too was an early adopter and worked with Bill to address some issues.
Since we had all issues resolved 6 months ago, my exp unit has been error free & providing me with excellent renderings of traffic & weather.
I'm using the GRT Sport SX.
Did Bill mention when the 1090ES will become available? It's been 16 months since I paid for this option, and I have not been able to get a reply from them.
Tim Andres
Did Bill mention when the 1090ES will become available? It's been 16 months since I paid for this option, and I have not been able to get a reply from them.
Tim Andres

I asked about 1090ES when I visited their booth this past Sunday. They said they would have it in a few months.

-Marc Robertson
GRT Avionics
Hey Jack, I have the same set up as you and was wondering how you knew you were not getting the proper traffic display. Thanks Barry
I was getting intermittent targets on the GRT Hx display but on my iPad I was seeing tons of targets. I was using the iLevil SW2 to display ADS-B info on the iPad. Because I was an active ADS-B out aircraft, I was triggering ADS-B sites to transmit targets that were showing on the iPad but nothing steady on the GRT Hx displays.
As for 1090 ADS-B monitoring and display, Bill did say it is coming in the future. Part of the problem of making a change to his certified boxes, there is the certification hoops he has to jump through. The addition of the 1090 traffic displaying capability is merely a software change but the paperwork generation, submission and final approval he says takes time. From what I gathered from talking to Bill, the lack of 1090 frequency on the ADS-B displays doesn't necessarily degrade the ADS-B, even though it would be nice to see those 1090 aircraft. I'm looking forward to getting that capability, but I can wait until it becomes available.