
Active Member
A few days ago jdwky posted ?I am constantly in awe of the brotherhood of the Vans/Experimental flying world. Since joining your ranks, I have met, and continue to meet, the most outstanding men/women who are involved with these aircraft. Let me tell you about just one such encounter...? I echo his comments word for word. Here?s another one:

I?m going to be looking after a friend?s Mooney while he?s overseas for the next two years. He left it in Montgomery, AL?about a 3hr drive from here. Option 1 would be for my wife to drive up with me, I fly back, leaving her to do a 6hr car trip?half of it solo?in one day just so I could get a plane. She already did that recently so I could pick up my RV-4 after we moved. Option 2 would be for someone to graciously fly me up to get the plane, saving the drive time (and being a whole lot more fun). Enter Dan and his RV-8. When I floated the idea of him flying down to get me on Saturday, his simple response: ?good excuse to fly?.

The weather was no good on Saturday in the Flori-Bama region, so I had pretty much counted it out until a later weekend. Sunday afternoon out of the blue Dan calls to say he?s headed to the airport, weather is good in Montgomery, and not bad down here?still want to get the Mooney? Long story short, Dan was willing to fly 100 miles just to pick me up and fly me back to pick up an airplane, and even circle overhead until I was airborne before heading back to his field just to make sure I was good to go. And oh by the way, enabling me to have one of those flights home above the clouds that makes you wonder how anyone couldn?t enjoy flying.

The brotherhood of aviators (and especially RVators) is a special one?and Dan is class act.

I couldn't agree more and I find myself amongst admirable fellows. I truelly enjoy being a part of this group.
Hey, you're welcome. I just wanted to go flying. It's like Pilot's and Paws, but I know you won't **** in the airplane ;)