Well Known Member
Just a tad off topic but a unbelievable motivator for builders, at least for me. :D
Been to a ton of airshows in my life including Osh, SnF, Reno and many others but attended one last Sunday that could be called the Mother of all shows.
OSH and Reno X 10
Happened to be near Norfolk Virginia and was able to see the annual show at Oceana NAS the Navy puts on free for us hard working tax payers. The Blue Angles at the end were almost a let down after seeing the best demos in my life. Six hours that seemed to go by in minutes. Hornets, Super Hornets, Raptors, Star-fighters, and lots of pyrotechnics. Dozens of extremely fast low passes and seeing things airplanes just aren't supposed to do.:eek: They even flew a Osprey tilt rotor plus many more types. (p-51, Extra's, C-130 ,C-17,etc.)
If you can ever get to this show I can almost guarantee it will be the best show you've ever seen.