
Well Known Member
A great tool that I have found is so helpful in my build so far is the Steadtler circle template. It goes back to my days in manual drafting. You can buy them in the drafting section at staples.

I find it really great to find minimum edge distances for holes. You can draw a straight line centered between two holes (Draw a large circle around each hole that intersect, the larger the better. Then draw a straight line between the two intersection points.)

I have used mine extensively to draw radius/fillets on a piece and provides a perfect reference line to work to. I also have used it when my pilot holes have been just a bit off center, I can use the template and round file to get the hole back centered, and then match drill with the proper size.

Be sure to use the extra fine point sharpie when using the template.


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Agreed. I dug mine out of my old drafting supplies and used it extensively through my build and still use it from time to time.
Another handy homemade tool/layout aid I made is to use a CAD program, Visio, or similar and draw a set of circles with a common center. Each circle a 1/2" larger diameter up to about 8" diameter. Copy onto a clear plastic sheet in the copy machine. Center punch the center to make a small hole. You can then use this to quickly find and mark the center of large circular parts or areas. ( in the old days you had to cut out all the rib lightening holes with a fly-cutter....oof! ).

My Steadtler circle template must be 30 years old.
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Have almost the exact same one (but 15 years older). Many of the circles are ringed in blue ink :rolleyes:
It's a very useful tool. Just be aware that those tick marks on the edges are not always 90 degrees apart.
Another handy homemade tool/layout aid I made is to use a CAD program, Visio, or similar and draw a set of circles with a common center. Each circle a 1/2" larger diameter up to about 8" diameter. Copy onto a clear plastic sheet in the copy machine. Center punch the center to make a small hole. You can then use this to quickly find and mark the center of large circular parts or areas. ( in the old days you had to cut out all the rib lightening holes with a fly-cutter....oof! )

Great tip. I'm making several of those today.

btw I think I got one of the first 6 kits that came with the lightening holes cut out of the ribs. I was delighted until I notices one small issue. All of the ribs had been done. ALL of them, tank ribs as well...even the ones at the ends of each tank! :eek: