I hope I am not out of line but I would like to get some feedback on this resource.

I?ve been searching for a web site that could schedule aircraft. I ran across this site and it looks great to me. It has the features I was looking for and a lot more (weather, charts, maintenance schedules, etc.) I want to suggest using this site to my FBOs, air carriers, instructors and other pilots in my area but would like an opinion from the group. Please let me know what you think.


I am in NO way affiliated with this site. I was just very impressed with my initial research.

I use a hotmail account that is free... is published real time and I just use the calender function... it's free.... everybody can see realtime what's going on...
For scheduling, our flying club uses the calendar function in a Yahoo account. We log-in using a single master name and password. The account is set-up with no public access.
Our club is small, with 7 members. It works great for us.

The FBO I use has a resource like this, but a lot more features. For example, it allows, or disallows secheduling based on your abilities, such as time in type and completed endorsements. They don't fully use it's abilities, but scheduling is a BREEZE. I can schedule the aircraft and instructor at the same time, and can search to see what planes / instructors are available.

I believe it's http://www.myfbo.com

(I don't know what it costs, but I'm sure it isn't free.)
One of the reasons I liked this one is that you can control the resources (e.g. aircraft and instructors). The admin has to approve a user to be able to schedule the resource. The other reason I like it is that it is free.
I also use aircraftclubs.com. It works well. I don't think it has all the charts and stuff though but it works well for scheduling.