
Well Known Member
The starboard side lower baffle seal doesn't reach the baffle on that side if the seal is cut according to the template. I will fab another one when the silicone seal material arrives from Spruce.

The additional reach needed is shown on the photo below in 32nds inches. Quite a gap. Unusual for Van's to miss by this much. First time, really.

Your ship may vary. There's lots of different bits coming together here.

Baffle Seal Lower Cowl Starboard.jpg
I believe there are two baffle strips that are mislabelled. The left is actually the right and vice versa.
I believe there are two baffle strips that are mislabelled. The left is actually the right and vice versa.

Perhaps, but the way they are labelled puts the widest seal on the starboard side, where the gap is widest. It also fits the opening shape pretty well. It's just a bit too narrow for my plane.
Are these lower baffle seals supposed to overlap the baffle or fit even with the baffle?

Baffle seals for aircraft engines are generally designed to lap on to something else so that positive pressure pushes them against that surface creating a seal.
The RV 14 inlet seals are designed the same way, so they are intended to
overlap the inlet ramps by about a half an inch.