
Legacy Member
How's this for a good homebuilder day?

Down to the shop at dawn. Finish some 2000 grit work on the VS paint.

Over to the airport. Load up the engine crane.

Fire up a Cub. Spend an hour on airwork, informal transition training for a friend building a Rans S7. Cool blue day, wind 360 at 0, gusting to none.

Back to the house with said friend. Hang my IO390 in 38 minutes flat. Ha!

Raid the fridge.

Back to the airport, dump off the crane.

Lay out and chalk an 800 x 40 "strip" on our grass runway (complete with bomb drop target) for the EAA chapter spot landing contest next Saturday. (Ya'll come - 08A, 1PM)

Home, fire up the buffer, polish the VS, and hang it up to admire.

Bolt a starter and AFP fuel servo to the 390.


Can it get any better?
A very productive day for you

Flight from COS to Leadville at 13,500' over the Rockies for six RVs. Four made a diamond formation over the runway with the two fifth wheels trailing in shame behind.
Very Productive

Not bad Dan. Very Productive.

I flew helicopter to Fire Dept for LZ training. Got called away to transport cardiac patient. Watched 2 football games while waiting for someone else to have a bad day.

Is that the 390 from Barrett? Did you do anything special to it?
<<Got called away to transport cardiac patient.>>

That has to be very satisfying, at least on the days with a good outcome. And I suspect EMT helicopter work has to be among the most challenging pilot work anywhere, right up there with dusting and fire drop.

<<Is that the 390 from Barrett? Did you do anything special to it?>>

Naa, dead stock. BPE does special things to all of them, but I didn't opt for extra HP mods; more interested in their balancing and assembly tolerance work. I wanted a bulletproof "loafer", smooth and tight. Hard to beat cubic inches and good assembly.
That has to be very satisfying, at least on the days with a good outcome. And I suspect EMT helicopter work has to be among the most challenging pilot work anywhere, right up there with dusting and fire drop.

<<Is that the 390 from Barrett? Did you do anything special to it?>>

Naa, dead stock. BPE does special things to all of them, but I didn't opt for extra HP mods; more interested in their balancing and assembly tolerance work. I wanted a bulletproof "loafer", smooth and tight. Hard to beat cubic inches and good assembly.

The EMS thing is challenging but fortunately our company has all of the best equipment. We are NVG equipped which makes night flying much safer. Still landing in some locations can be interesting.

The 390 is exactly what I want. I chose BPE for the reasons you mentioned. Thanks for the info.