
Well Known Member
Hmm. Its getting around that time of year again when I wonder when I last donated to this fantastic resource that we all use! I think its in November, so off to paypal I went. Thanks again Doug for such a great site.

Now, this next bit might get removed by our moderator(s), but what the heck...As I was poking around, I noticed that VAF 2009 donation numbers are down a BIG percentage from 2008!!!
CMON everyone, You are building 75-100K airplanes, you can afford 25-50 bucks for such a FANTASTIC resource to be available!!!

I know Doug would never blatantly ask everyone to pony up.

I just did ask (And purely for selfish reasons, I assure you...I NEED this site)

Better than three movies


And why not?

I don't get out to the movies much anymore, but when I do, one ticket is pushing ten bucks. So for less than three movie nights, I get a year of first class entertainment. It's not just for information, either. Look at the narrative here. It has Drama and Comedy, a workable Plot and a great Cast. Occassionally there's Tragedy, but usually just Happy Endings. Sometimes we may see Historical Fiction, or even a dreaded Product Placement or (worst!) Commercial, but for the most part it's nothing but award-winning Documentaries.

Worth the price for a ticket, and then some.
Another idea

I have done a few things to support this site...maybe others can follow. Donate your yearly amount is great of course, but... if you are selling something (last time I sold orndorff dvd collection), make the highest bidder fire off the money to VAF. $75 or $100 for a used tool, course, book, left over or used instrument isnt going to kill you and will surely help the greater good.
I could not imagine trying to make it through this build without all the help and friends I have made here. Worth every penny.
Jeez...again - Seems like I just send DR my yearly one dollar donation - I guess I'll have to do it again!

Doug knows I'm just jealous because I can't afford a Pink scooter of my own! He's a good guy, friend and fellow RV'er and I also thank him as well.

Just try to make sure and don't forget about those who are really responsible for the majority finances of this's not often mentioned (although you obviously see the ads scattered around here and there).
