
Well Known Member
After a little setback this past year.....this lit' ol black airplane did what I built it to do. She had her share of bumps and bruises still showing but as I said, I'm gong to fly it the way it is this summer and do the cosmetic work in between flying.

The flight down was a little bumpy with some pretty substantial bumps and turbulence over the Smokeys which caused my SAAB 340 FO partner in crime to get a little "woozy" which necessitated a stop along the way....bad piloting, nah...he was just a whoos:D

The crew over at Winter Haven was great. We arrived during the airshow Weds. after launching out with 15 kts. gusting to 25 crosswind on takeoff from my home airport. We just decided to pitch the tents beside the airplane at Winter Haven and head over Thursday morning. They have a new FBO with a great new restaurant.

I have flown into LAL numerous times. We hit the power plant at 1200 and 100 kts., after a 7 mile cross country from Winter Haven, only to have a twin come in directly above us at 1700 who remained there running at 100 kts....I guess the notam dictating a faster speed for him didn't apply to him. Anyway, uneventful arrival with a touchdown on the green dot.

It was great to see old friends and meet new friends this past week at SNF. I ended up hanging out a couple afternoons with Rhonda and Allen at the Barrett tent, these two are as great in person as they are on this list.

I meet up with some old plastic airplane friends Thursday afternnon....we drank our share of $6.00 beers...

We had a fantastic dinner at the Italian (used to be a chef school) on site Saturday evening, after a couple of days of Carny food.

After three days, I left with Speedy and Chatterbox as a three ship launch as departure cleared us as a flight. We headed over to Cedar Key for a nice seafood lunch. I checked the winds aloaf and found we could grab a nice 35-40 kt tailwind if we climbed on up so I bugged out of the flight as those two turned left into the pattern at Cedar Key. We climbed to 10,500 for an smooth as glass RTB.

Not to be a spoil sport, as it is a great break for me after tax season, but SNF and it's money making mentality has caused the event to go downhill and I could choke the person who came up with the idea to burn the cut grass and turn the place into a black filthy mess......

Short and sweet ....kinda like the flight back home....if you are building, get out into that shop, these airplanes are worth it!!!!

Some lakes in the Smokey Mountains from 8,500


Sunset at Winter Haven Weds. evening


That lit' ol black airplane finally makes it to SNF. I did move it away from the center taxi lane as it was filthy after on hour. I moved it on up towards the flight line.


Heading out with Speedy and Chatterbox


In route to Cedar Key


Speedy and Chatterbox in bound to CDK with me buggin out to the north. Cedar Key is one of those hidden gems. Wish I could have stopped but I had an hour and a half longer flight back home than those two. Look close and you can see Speedy and Chatterbox inbound. You can also see the 2,350 runway, plenty of runway but just be water on both ends.


One last picture before clearing the Smokey's at 10,500

Well done


It was really great to see "Black Magic" doing what you built her to do. You have been an inspiration to the rest of us with your build, rebuild and patience through it all.

I look forward to seeing you and her in person someday.

It was really great to see "Black Magic" doing what you built her to do. You have been an inspiration to the rest of us with your build, rebuild and patience through it all.

I look forward to seeing you and her in person someday.


Dana said; "A little set back this past year." :eek:

Nice to see Black magic making her way to the shows after her "manditory makeover".

Well Done Dana!
RV6A Driver

A article in todays posting referred to the filthy mess at SnF caused by burning the grass to save money. I agree that makers and shakers @ SnF seem to have a profit margin mindset but the idea that burning grass causes the "filthy mess" is totally bogus!!!!! I grew up in FL as a "country boy" and proud of it. We had many "Yankee kids" who's parents "wintered" there and put the kids in our schools (which was fine with us - I married one). With out exception they believed, at first, that all FL sand is the same as beach sand - complete misconception. Florida dirt is DIRTY (always has been and will be even if another blade of grass is never burned again) and during very dry conditions, a very fine black dust forms and readily clings to anything moist (like skin) or porous (like socks, etc,). This can easily be confirmed by digging down a couple of feet or more, if you feel like it, retrieve a shovel full spread it out, let it dry-out and you will find that it too will be DIRTY!!! Trust me, I spent a lot of time working with a classmate friend on his family's ranch and dug many, many post holes - all DIRTY. So lets give the SnF people at least one break.
A article in todays posting referred to the filthy mess at SnF caused by burning the grass to save money. I agree that makers and shakers @ SnF seem to have a profit margin mindset but the idea that burning grass causes the "filthy mess" is totally bogus!!!!!

I will have to say, and it was the general conclusions of most that this was the dirtiest SNF has been.

The people at HBC racked their grass cuttings and there was a huge difference as their area was just the expected sand and the burnt areas were covered in soot. I have attended probably 10 of the last 15 years of SNF and I can tell you, this was the dirtiest.

I am, and am not, complaining but if they burn it again next year, I'll certainly think about whether I attend. I threw a pair of running shoes away on Sunday before I left......

It was really great to see "Black Magic" doing what you built her to do. You have been an inspiration to the rest of us with your build, rebuild and patience through it all.

I look forward to seeing you and her in person someday.

Thanks Dean, but don't consider me the inspiration, it was how great the ol girl flew that was my inspiration to get her flying again!!!:D

Nice to finally meet you.
Sorry about the "Black dust". I had to endure that stuff all week parking you guys. Next time I'll wear a dust mask! Back to work this week on the "7". Trying to save up some bread for the finish kit. Cedar Key is a hoot to land on the first, last and every time. Try it at night sometime. Flying out of CLW I enjoyed all our coastal ventures in Mooneys, Commanche 260's and Tigers.
We also miss our 3 years in Spencer County out of Willow Island (Shelby County).
CU Later
Nice to finally meet you.
Sorry about the "Black dust". I had to endure that stuff all week parking you guys. Next time I'll wear a dust mask! Back to work this week on the "7". Trying to save up some bread for the finish kit. Cedar Key is a hoot to land on the first, last and every time. Try it at night sometime. Flying out of CLW I enjoyed all our coastal ventures in Mooneys, Commanche 260's and Tigers.
We also miss our 3 years in Spencer County out of Willow Island (Shelby County).
CU Later

Hey Jerry, I feel for you. Parking airplanes in that soot had to be an experience one does not want to repeat.

Sorry we couldn't hook up Thursday evening....I got "hog collared" by some plastic airplane friends of mine. They "made" us hang out and drink suds.....