
Well Known Member
I have flown into SNF several times but never after the airshow. My plan is to launch out of i39 in the afternoon for the 3:40 or so flight to Lakeland with a stop along the way to top off with cheap fuel. I had original planned on pitching my tent and we would camp out beside the airplane at whatever airport we stopped at Weds. night....however, to be able to have a full Thursday, Friday & Sat., I am considering coming in after the airshow Weds. evening.

Can any of the gang here on VAF, who has flown into LAL using the arrival procedures after the airshow, chime in with your experience doing so.

From the 10 or so times I have been to SNF, it looks like the launch the departures prior to letting the inbounds land. Is that the case? If so I see an extended hold. Do you just plan on approaching SNF, say 6:30 leaving an hour window open prior to the 7:30 EAA arrival shutdown time? Hints, experiences, whatever appreciated.

One year we got to LAL right at 8 pm and the airport was open but the SnF area closed at 8. We "camped" at the FBO on the grass dog walking island overnite till everything got going again the next day.


One year we got to LAL right at 8 pm and the airport was open but the SnF area closed at 8. We "camped" at the FBO on the grass dog walking island overnite till everything got going again the next day.


Yep, been there done that.:D Wonder is the restaurant over there serves breakfast. I'd still like to get to the EAA side so we can set up our tents and all Weds. evening so we can hit the ground running Thursday. What you mention above is certainly an option.
Last year we landed at ZPH instead of circling over the lake.. Even though they said arrivals from 6pm.. the updated ATIS said no arrivals before 6:45.. so instead of circling for 45min, we just turned a few degrees to the right and landed at ZPH... worked out great.. (then we took off at 6:45 and slid right in and didn't have to hold over the lake at all... arrived just in time to get kicked out since they were closing the flight line :) )
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Yes, in the past they have released departures before opening for arrivals. Tanker fuel and expect to circle Lake Parker. The last two times we arrived in the evening the LP controller was talkative and kept everyone updated. Both times I recall we held 35-45 minutes after arriving around the end time for the airshow notam.

The initial release inbound can get a little crazy. Everyone is hot to go and inbound spacing is tight. Prep your passenger for eyeballs out and do whatever you gotta do. Sometimes they set up two holding circles (slow stuff inside the lakeshore and faster stuff on the outside). Be aware you may need to merge with traffic not in your circle, and some of it can't go 100mph. If things get dicey at any point on the merge or inbound, check over your right shoulder for traffic, turn north to depart the stream, and come back around to the powerplant when the holding circle starts getting empty.

You'll be expected to land three at a time on the taxiway, north side of the main. The turn from downwind to final is tighter than many folks fly back home. If you're one of them, practice some tight patterns to an accurate spot landing before you leave home.

If you arrive on the evening of the night airshow, the inbound window is tight. I'd suggest you be there for the hold, as they will try to get everyone in.
Another question

If I can't get out of here early Weds., can I camp beside the airplane at Zepherhill or Winter Haven for one night then cruise on into LAL first thing Thursday morning?
I can't answer your question about
ZPH camping, but I feel it would be
much safer to not try the evening
arrival and go in to LAL in the morning.

The evening arrival can be hectic.
Remember, some of the guys around
you may have not read the notam.

Be safe,

We'll be at home through Friday morning.....if you want a free bed and meal for Wednesday evening, stop at 49FD and we'll take great care of you and Black Magic. Gas is $3.49 per gallon at 2J9 (4 miles east). It's about an hour and 30 minutes from 49FD to LAL in your airplane. Just a thought. You could launch right after daylight Thursday morning and be there before the traffic picks up.

David Watson
early arrival is safest

the best time to arrive is around daybreak. as early as possible. there is very little traffic and no possibility of delays. safety first. you will eliminate the knuckleheads who dont know what they are doing. see you there.

We'll be at home through Friday morning.....if you want a free bed and meal for Wednesday evening, stop at 49FD and we'll take great care of you and Black Magic. Gas is $3.49 per gallon at 2J9 (4 miles east). It's about an hour and 30 minutes from 49FD to LAL in your airplane. Just a thought. You could launch right after daylight Thursday morning and be there before the traffic picks up.

David Watson

Thanks for the kind offer David, I will certainly keep this as an option and let you know.

If I were king for a day, I would launch out of here early Weds. and make the 3:39 flight into LAL, albeit with 45 minute or so fuel stop as I really don't want to get stuck in a hold with only 6-7 gallons on board:eek:.

If I can't get out early Weds., I'm thinking I'll avoid the mad rush to get in before the shutdown, and cruise on in early Thursday.

Tom mentions about some non notam readers, I've avoided the evening arrival before so I don't have to put up with one up there saying (I could not avoid thinking it just might be the jump school pilot;)): "Lake-ville unicom I mean approach, I mean tower, er, Lakeland traffic whichin runray is everbody a using? this here's 498DK level 3276 a doing 117 miles an hour, that's pretty good fer this hear ol aeroplane and I'm a wantin to land there at Lakeland cuse I like the airshow, I know you do too, and I like to camp with Buster cause he's a good cook and can't carry no food in this airplane causein the engines a little weak, do you know is Buster is already there? and I'd like to land there.................over"

Can you tell I've flown into SNF several times:)

If you choose to stay with us, we'd be happy to meet you and take great care of you and yours. My daytime number is 850-875-5076 and at night I can be reached at 850-856-5515. Just let us know.

David and Janice Watson