
Well Known Member
Wonderig what interest there might be to develop an electrically driven air conditioning system for the RV10? We are doing some preliminary research in that area. What is the maximum weight for the system people would be willing to accept and current draw?
There were at least 3 vendors at OSH with similar air conditioning systems this year. Both of them told me they were developing an appropriate installation for the -10...and already have a number of systems flying in a/c from 172's to high $$ twins.

Don't remember their names, but they do exist!

A/C for the 10

rv6ejguy said:
Wonderig what interest there might be to develop an electrically driven air conditioning system for the RV10? We are doing some preliminary research in that area. What is the maximum weight for the system people would be willing to accept and current draw?
Funny you should bring this up, my wife & I were just discussing this last night. If there is not too much of a weight penalty, I would definitely be interested. These 100 degree high humidity days in the DFW area are getting to me!

We'll continue on with our R&D as we hope to fit it to our RV10 under construction right now. Plans are to mount the unit behind the baggage bay. Weight should be in the 23-30 lb range, current draw 32-40 amps. Cold air supplied up center spline duct with 4 outlets, one for esch person. This will not use freon.

im thinking of adapting a small compressor off a compact car belt driven also using other parts in system from wrecked car ill start by looking at honda civic and seeing if its weight adaptable anyone want to check it out and make suggestions please do
A/C for RV-10

Checlk out http://www.airflow-systems.com/

I posted this on the yahoo board last fall and got laughed at for weight and drag.....but after spending 6 days sitting in the shade at OSH sweating, I'm reconsidering......

They are willing to adapt the Lancair version to the Rv-10 for $4500 approx. I'm not sure why people are re-inventing the wheel when several options already exist.

$7500 ouch! I guess if you can afford an Lancair IV, you can afford this. We were working on a thermoelectric unit so no compressor. Unfortunately current draw for twin units required would be in the 75-80 amp range to give decent cooling. About 37 lbs. total system weight. Here is something else under development:

A cheaper, lighter solution is to move down here to Texas for a while and get used to the heat. Besides, it's only hot 'till you get to altitude.
air conditioning for RV-10

I just thought I would give some real life data on the cabin cooling for the RV-10. Most of you know I just started flying mine. I live in Atlanta (hotlanta). All of the flights have been above 90 degrees F, and about a 1000% humidity. I have found the flow of air to be the best of any of the RV's. I used the stock NASA vents with the large black inlets for the front, and the standard little door vents in the back. The amount of air in the cabin is almost equal to my Stearman. Honest. I have to reduce the vents to keep all of the paper from flying around in the cabin. By the time I get to 7500 feet, they are closed about half way. We actualy did consider the airconditioning, having had an RV-6 in Atlanta for 5 years, and sweltered in it. The RV-10 is MUCHO different, and I've decided the air conditioning is not needed in mine.
Another one in the works that is dedicated to the RV crowd. AC systems in LancAir IV Propjet, IV-P, Legacy. Also has components used in Epic. Check these guys out. www.flightlineac.com They are talking sytems that are either engine driven, or then higher voltage, lower amp draws all electric systems. Had a booth at Oshkosh and said RV-10 was top priority.
