The write-up

Aircraft Camping at Lake Whitney (Texas)


Paul Dye camped here a few months before we did and reported a good time. So, on Jan 5, 2007 a few of us decided to give it a try.

My pictures of the trip can be seen HERE (opens new window).

Danny King, Ross Burgess and I launched from 52F after the morning scud broke to a level that would allow a safe departure from the area. There were clear skies a little west of Ft. Worth so we didn?t have to stay low long. Paul Dye launched from Houston and beat us to Lake Whitney by about an hour.

Stan Price (Grumpy) drove the Chevy support vehicle with a propane grill, food for about 20 people, firewood and more. Lack of food and warmth was not one of our big problems. Stan was awarded the game ball for his effort.

In the GPS tracks that have been placed on top of Google Earth below you can see our flight down in red and the flight back in green. We gave the area a 3-ship wedge arrival pass followed by second pass with a pitchout to land.

GoogleEarth/GPS Track pictures: departure / arrival / overview

We were met by Park Ranger Towers, who couldn?t have been more courteous and helpful. He visited throughout the day as we set up our camp and lounged ? and ended up getting a flight in Ross? RV-6.

We took the Drink Daddy that was loaned to me for ?field testing? by Dirk Franklin at I have to admit, it really was pretty awesome to have a table right there between the tents that we could sit around. If I still have it at OSH you can bet it will be in my baggage.

Being pilots, we got bored after sitting around for about an hour, so we all hopped in our planes and toured the lake from the air. Jay Pratt and Carol showed up in his Northstar Super Cub (Shooter) with INSANELY large mains and treated us to several examples of bush flying performance. Paul mentioned something to Jay about a flight?.and about ten minutes later Paul was flying Shooter around solo. In a previous life Paul logged a lot of cub time.

After about an hour of flying around it was time to eat. The eating location was south of the strip down near the water. Stan Price is the cooking man and treated us like royalty. If memory serves I ate steak, beans, baked potato and a little vino. Really roughing it?

About sundown Gatesville, TX RV builder Justin Stephens, his wife and son showed up for a about an hour of visiting (they drove in some Dublin Dr.Pepper). Very nice people.

(Stan Price photo)

The sunset was nice and the star gazing was spectacular for over two hours until a nearly-full Moon rose. I haven?t seen M31 naked eye in years. Note to self: bring telescope.

I retired to the tent a little before 1000 and slept fine until I woke around 0200 needing to put on the long johns.

Breakfast found Stan cooking the largest pile of bacon and eggs I?ve seen in my life. Some of the grease caught fire and Paul was quick enough to get a photo.

(Paul Dye photo). Suggested caption, "What, me worry?"

After another ?roughing it? breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, coffee and more I stuffed all my crud in Flash and boogied for home ? the yoga instructor had a class at 1100 and I was on kid duty. So long Mountain Man....hello Mr. Mom.

The wind had shifted to the north overnight so, with Danny on my wing, we departed straight out and flew direct 52F (green route here).

Not the worst way to spend a Friday night.
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A Perfect Trip to end a Vacation...

This really was a great little trip, and I add my thanks to Stan for driving and then sitting there watching us all fly around the lake in the late afternoon. Did you ever see that mini-series "Piece of Cake" about the British fighter squadron deployed in France just before the war? It felt kind of like that...lounge around chatting, hop in the airplane, beat up the lake, lounge around chatting, go take up another airplane to beat up the lake....great folks, these RV'ers!

I had a bit more challenging return than the guys going to Dallas - Houston was plagued with low clouds and scud, with my home field MVFR, but IFR conditions along the way. Fortunately, I had just logged 10 approaches in a Sim session two days before taking an instrument competency check, so I air filed and slid back in to home base, breaking out on the approach at about 1000'. Not even close to minimums, and a whole lot safer than trying to scud run. Southeast Texas is flat, but forrested with antennas and towers! :eek:

In two weeks of holiday vacation time, I've flown to Minnesota and back, Big Bend and back, a foray around east Texas, and this Lake Whitney trip. In my book, that beats a trip to Disneyland! :cool:

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Doug (& Co) -

Where did you camp and cook? It looks like you were south of the road at the arrival end of 36, right on the lake.


PS - I feel like such a weenie for not going because of the poor (windy) forecast for Saturday.
the_other_dougreeves said:
Where did you camp and cook? It looks like you were south of the road at the arrival end of 36, right on the lake.
PS - I feel like such a weenie for not going because of the poor (windy) forecast for Saturday.
Yo Doug! We missed you!!!

Yes, we ate and socialized just south of the road on the extended centerline - our reservation gave us the entire finger of land. Sat image:,-97.360652&spn=0.00734,0.009978&t=k&om=1

The tents were in the runway turnaround behind the hold short lines. It was about a 100yard walk between the two.

Because you didn't show we had (22) hamburgers left over <g>.

DeltaRomeo said:
Yo Doug! We missed you!!!

Yes, we ate and socialized just south of the road on the extended centerline - our reservation gave us the entire finger of land. Sat image:,-97.360652&spn=0.00734,0.009978&t=k&om=1

The tents were in the runway turnaround behind the hold short lines. It was about a 100yard walk between the two.

Because you didn't show we had (22) hamburgers left over <g>.

I missed you guys too (everybody together: "awwww!"). :D

Do you have to make a reservation to camp on the airport, or just for that spit south of 36?

My suppose my pennance will be to be the first one up and get the fire going and make coffee on the next trip.
the_other_dougreeves said:
Do you have to make a reservation to camp on the airport, or just for that spit south of 36?
We called first and were told we could camp at the plane anytime. You need to have a reservation if you want a 'real' campsite - they get scout groups and stuff using it ocassionally.
