
Well Known Member
My fridge is always empty and it's breakfast time. I am tired of morning every-weekend-the-same buttered rolls. Text goes to my other relative - can you fry couple eggs I am hungry. Sure he sez come up I'll cook you something.

The up location was about two and half hours in RV from the Big Apple. Precisely at Rangeley Lake of Maine. Not to mention driving to my airport which may take the same time in opposite direction. But I am used to it. Since my RV started flying I developed steady diet. I am having meals three times regularly - on Tues, Fri and Sundays. It was a Sunday, my cousin fled to Kali for vacation, he owes me couple lunches. It's good to have big family the other brother won't let you starve.

On my way North I often go through the Gate. View to the left.


View of the right Pillar. It grew enormously during last two years.


One more hour and I am over Turbo country.


One more hour and I am approaching a picturesque hill.


The hill is looking so beautiful I decide to fly around it.


There is a wildlife refuge area according to the sectional and I stayed 2000 feet above it.


It looks like an observatory on the top of the hill. Hi guys, I am just passing by.

Thirty minutes more and I am approaching familiar country. I've been here before.


Spotty forests.


The same lake but water not in solid state this time. I am not landing on liquid surface.



Found my aeropuerto, saw familiar Jeep waiting at the ramp and made compulsory pass to show my brother how RV-9A whistles. He loved it.

Breakfast time!!!! Doesn't matter it's late afternoon. It's a Sunday and a meal need to be consumed.

That fivah means I am going nowhere today because of 8 hours rule. It's almost 1 pm and I am day VFR.


Here is happy chef.


The dish was named somewhat exotic but was delicious. That whiskey was nice addition to it.

What we do now? Where we go?
There were other guests in the house and we had good talk. One could imagine what former military opponents could talk about. My conversant was a major and we thoroughly enjoyed communicating. You can guess the subject.


Then we drove to a lodge. We landed there in February, were treated royally and now payed a visit to the owner of the lodge.






Steve, the owner of the lodge, organizes a winter fly-in pretty much every year. Maybe next year John could stir an RV gathering there.


This is his webcam http://www.baldmountaincamps.com/webcam.shtml
It's so nice and peaceful there. Spotty phone coverage and no internet. Heavens!

John own a church like bungalow couple streets from the lake by a hill. It looks beautiful inside. At the back there is an abandoned lot with an old Ford lumber truck on it. That Ford is maybe 200 years old all in Guggenheim rust. I forgot my camera when I saw it. There is a beast living inside but he was AWOL. Deers venture straight to the backyard.


Little more talk what is better Glock or Makarov. Agreed on unity of all progressive humankind.


In the evening we went to see the moose. I've never seen moose in the wild. Siberians ate all of them last century on their territory.

We drove someplace only John knows. It was getting dark.

Moose #1 was baby and got scared fast.


Moose #2 was bigger and didn't pay much attention to blinking flash. He found something tasty in that swamp.



The third moose was a monster. He even started walking toward us.



Enough for today. Falling asleep. Woke up in the Jeep with horror - I don't have the toothbrush with me. We rode local villages every store was closed. John laughed and gave me some recommendations how to clean the teeth without tooth brush. :D

Tomorrow we go flying. Will try to spot a moose from the air...
You are very close to my home Province, New Brunswick. Look forward to our trip through the area in a few months. Thought it was raining like crazy out that way today? Look forward to the updates.

How did you live without that airplane. You make great use of it.
Vlad nice pics.
Looks like the White Mountains in NH and the observatory on MT Washington. Highest winds recorded at 231 mph back in the 30s. I believe somewhere in Aussie Land has usurped that speed. Looks like you had a great time.
That observatory looks like the top of Mt Washington where the highest wind speeds were recorded, up until recently.
Great story and photos...I am not a cook but my wife and I would like to share lunch with you some Sat or Sun at sky acres 44N in Verbank(Millbrook NY).their cafe does breakfast-lunch. Paved airport about 5 miles east of POU ,
(Dutchess Co ) ,2 miles east of IGN vor. Tom Hankamp,building slow build older RV4 kit.Moved ,waiting for new shop so eating out is good.
Vlad, you are always welcome here!

The food was spaghetti alla puttanesca. Google it up for the translation.

Tony, in Maine, the rules are different...

Who is coming to the summer fly-in!?!

:) CJ

You are not "man about town" you are "man about country". Would love to be with ya.
I see moose. Where is pesky squirrel???:D

Great pics Vlad

Tom, there is a squirrel specialist. His name is Wyatt and he is in the middle :D he hates them so much when John mentioned the name Wyatt started barking. Didn't care about the moose though.

Great story and photos...I am not a cook but my wife and I would like to share lunch with you some Sat or Sun at sky acres 44N in Verbank(Millbrook NY).their cafe does breakfast-lunch. Paved airport about 5 miles east of POU ,
(Dutchess Co ) ,2 miles east of IGN vor. Tom Hankamp,building slow build older RV4 kit.Moved ,waiting for new shop so eating out is good.

Tom,that would be cool. I am familiar with that spot. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?p=636287&highlight=44N#post636287 Some Tuesday maybe? Tough to get a table on a weekend.
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You are not "man about town" you are "man about country". Would love to be with ya.

Hey Dean I enjoyed that tour of Texas you gave couple weeks ago thank you good buddy!


Remember this place? You promised to give me a ride in your RV in 2014 over it :D


You are making me jealous.

Right between two wonderful places.

I did many layovers on the 757 in Bangor Maine.

Did my seaplane rating with Kathy at Pushaw Lake. Sadly, Kathy is not with us any more :(

Had a wonderful house swap vacation on Lake Massawippi near Sherbrooke.

Hey Ho - wonderful memories :cool::cool:

You guys are making me homesick Vlad. Good to see Johny looking healthy. Man I need this magic carpet done! Working on the canopy frame now.
Vlad, EXCELLENT write up!!!

I couldn't have done any better myself!

Let's do SOMETHING up there this summer!

We can INUNDATE the ramp with RV's and the town will wonder WHAT IS UP with all these ramp fleas!?!

Antony, YES! You do need your magic carpet ride done!!!

If anyone is interested in renting the Bungalow on their own, follow this link.


You can book it online and it comes complete with linens and pickup at the airport right up the hill. You can walk to all destinations in town and if you rent an ATV you will be able to go anywhere as ATV's are allowed to drive down Main street during the day and you can ride anywhere else all night.

If you want a taste of the place without renting, stop by sometime while we are there. We can give you the tour. If we have room, we will put you up for a while too!

:) CJ
cj, vlad, great post. lookn forward to your flyin this summer. what airport are you landn at? the kgb is really getting around these days. wonder if he will ever find time to get that super paint scheme done. maybe next winter. :)

You can fly into 8B0. It is a very nice 'drome!

Not much for services but I can get you most anything you need!

Will keep you all posted for some summer fun!

:) CJ
Next day

Next day we went flying. I gave ride to a pretty lady then we went up with John to explore the Mooseland. John is very experienced RV driver, he also holds seaplane rating. Last time I checked he was sharp deadsticker too.


John piloted my 9 from right seat and I enjoyed the show.


How these people get electricity and groceries?


My camera is antiquated but I still managed couple shots.


We didn't spot any moose from the air and it was not the purpose.


It was relaxing wonderful day.

After good lunch it was time to go. In couple hours I was back to beehive.

Chop chop chop copter on reversal landing 33rd. Fixed wing has you in sight.


Hi Lady I am back sorry for bugs. Lots of them in Maine.

The Bungalow. Part 2.

Several months later...

A meet up was planned in Rangeley, ME. Several RVators made commitments to come including legendary Turbo. I could not miss that. But before going to the cool escape I planned to spend half a day in Rockland for an airshow and lobster fest.

Stuck at work double shift I was well behind the schedule for Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland. Leftover fatigue and lateness translated into plane laziness. I took off around noon, ducked under NY Bravo, passed crowded beaches of Long Island



by some pretty celebrity mansions and rudiments of Cold War


and at midpoint arrived at Cape Cod.


From here I descended to a safe altitude and headed to Stellwagen Bank.


I can not tell you what I planned to see but it was not a submarine :D Submarines are not protected under MMPA.
Nothing there.


Nothing here but somebody is going to eat this :(


A bit frustrated I climbed to triple safe altitude and left watching boat alone. Good luck.


Heading to the shore. Hot and hazy over Atlantic Ocean the horizon is blurry. Three times I've been over these waters and didn't spot anything.


Over Knox County Airport an airshow was about to start. I self announced on CTAF nobody responded. I could clearly see yellow RV parked it was Tweety bird. Tweety is RV7A and she transports our ATC guru tkatc to places he can not drive his Jeep.



I made couple steep turns over Rockland Town and Festival. Tony saw me and said the reflection from my unpainted wing blinded him.



Then I laid course to Rangeley 8B0. There was a pirouetting Mustang west of town warming up for the show, I tried to chase him but the guy was so fast and furious I quit immediately :D

After 4 hours non stop but very interesting flight I arrived and was immediately greeted by Captain John, Major Pape, Rocketman Rich and his son Andrew. They said there were two local RVs visiting but they already left.


Rich M. was ready to go too.

Rich started the engine but something caught his attention and he shut it down. A big helicopter was coming to this remote field. Very big one.


Captain John immediately befriended pilots and ground crew and offered them transportation to the town. This guy is the best! Tired air crane crew was very grateful.


We also tried to figure out what kind of work and where in these mountains they do such a heavy lifting but crew was sworn to secrecy and didn't say a word. Tomorrow we will figure out :D


At the bungalow everything was patriarchal. Division of labor was clearly visible. Ladies were prepping the food


and guys drinking beer and consuming the tasty.



Everything comes with a price though. The dog knows who will end up doing dishes.



Then was bonfire and talk talk talk past midnight. Another family arrived late by car... There were hard drinks, cape codders and fruity beers... Life was good... see ya tomorrow...
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Nice write up, Vlad!

Was a fun time. Glad you came up to visit and I am sorry we didnt get you the boat tour of the entire lake. Perhaps next time?

:D. CJ
shoulda, coulda, woulda, i missed the fun. was still worn out from my 2 week trip west. vman, nice write up. that is like a different world up there. some day.

Shirley and I joined John, Vlad and the gang on Monday morning. Did the local scenic flight in the mountains.... great fun, very nice area. Will be back again.
Day 2

Next morning... did we eat local mushrooms or wild berries? :confused: :( Oh man what are those reflexes? Slight headache too... Let's go for fish therapy. :D


Where is the key? :D


We spent some time looking. Enlisted local canine to sniff but results were negative. No boat key was found.


Drove to boat dealerships with no luck. How about flying? That's a good idea!
Major goes up with me. Loves it! If somebody tells me what connection is between baseball cap, orange juice and runway numbers that person wins free breakfast from Captain John :D


Detective rides next. He rode in multitude of aerial vehicles and was not very surprised. But he enjoyed local scenery.


We had good turnover at the bungalow that day.


Almost forgot; we found the site where aircrane was doing heavy lifting. It's on the top of a mountain and it looks like a communication tower for Iron Curtain. Good job keeping it secret craners!
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In the evening John found the key and we went for fly fishing. In the middle of the lake a text comes. Right after we caught first trout. Air Boss is on the way!!! He is bringing sea BUGS!!! How he managed to get out of that foggy Rockland nobody knows :eek: I thought he is stuck there for at least a week.



All the bugs were thoroughly inspected by a police dog.


All approved ended here.


Non-certified will continue their way to be eaten by AirBoss mechanic :D he promised him a few.


That heavy black thingy I used to crack lobster shells. Handle is of plastic and kind of flimsy but barrel makes perfect cracking tool. Sometimes meat is stuck in the barrel and it needs a toothpick to get meat out.

Happy Air Boss and I. Life was good again :D

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Clearly the cousins need - in this order - remedial lobster picking training, wardrobe advice, and a better hat.

I'm going to try to visit when there is less traffic in the area. :cool:
I also have to remember to bring hangover pills. It was a ROUGH flight home.... Even though the air was smooth. :eek:
Right after you left and I flew back to Rangeley field, Alfio could not take off because Charlie Bravo Papa people were on him. I landed they politely asked for my paperwork too. You should see the comedy :D At the end everybody became friends all parties appeared to be of Italian ancestry except me. You are one lucky Irish :D
Hello Vlad
Next time remove the rubber bands on the sea bugs before cooking, rubber does not add to the flavor.
Day tree

Day 3. Early morning 5:30 am. Everybody whispering :)

"What time is it?"
"Check flightaware for Turbo"
"OK, his ETA 8:30 am"
"Wake up everybody"

Had coffee outside. A woodpecker drumming his dry pine. Great weather. Air crane went to work. The crew flew right over the bungalow.


Turbo was busy and canceled. We went to breakfast alone, seven people only. Breakfast was good and detective picked up the tab. Air Boss was happy :)


Alfio texted. He successfully cleared US customs at KOGS and was an hour away. Here they come


We went local flying Captain John was the lead from right seat of my RV9A. I didn't have my camera if Shirley have some pictures please post it.
As was previously mentioned we were ramp checked by CBP. They were tracking some illegal activity and showed up at the airport to check if everything is all right. The officers were very polite and professional.

This young gentleman Luke is a son of a future RV8 builder. His father is very experienced pilot and it's easier to say what airplanes he didn't fly then vice versa. His father logged two million hours flight time in 5000 types :D I flew with him in my RV9A and he landed it from right seat first time better then myself.


He lives either here.


or there

Day 4

On day 4 everybody left the bungalow except the owner. We had morning coffee, he replenished my survival kit and I left. I was advised to make first fuel stop at Parlin Field in NH.


This leg I was flying in Piper Cub style. Low and slow.
Mount Washinton is not that high.


Interesting facility by Berlin.


Climbing the hill IFR.




There was recently an RV gathering here.


and here

At Parlin field there is an orphaned RV. Sad picture.


Hour and half more and I was entering familiar Hudson River Corridor from the North.

Rockslide of the Palisades.


Beach of Staten Island, NY. In top right corner a VAF member is building RV12. Riiiight there by the church :)


And that's about it. Next bungalow report will be on Feb 2013 from ice runway of Mooselookmeguntic everybody stay home and have a nice day. Maine is too far and too fun. :D
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You guys are a riot!

Talk about outside the box. Your posts and the comments by your sidekick are a pleasure to behold.

Bob Axsom