
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
....a couple of times over the last two weeks. Side hustle first Gulfstream G-V SIC (PIC visits here and built an RV). Barely hanging on the tail mentally pretty much both flights, trying to remember 10%. Still mentally a little whooped - all new experiences. First Gulfstream gig. First over-ocean trip. First visit to Hawaii (felt like Six Flags). A very patient PIC who hid his eye rolls well - they had to be there!

Hard to fully grasp where this RV hobby has led, and I bet there are hundreds if not thousands of stories just like it. Unexpected life journeys brought on by being in the RV world. It just seems to happen. One minute you're building a vertical stab in your garage because you dream of having a VFR airplane for your VFR ticket, and the next you're in the cockpit at FL430 on the planet's longest leg over water without an alternate. Mind spinning... I guess the takeaway is don't be too surprised when your RV hobby takes your life down a path you didn't anticipate. It can be amazing. And humbling.


Garmin is letting me demo one of their new D2 Mach 1 watches for a few. It locked in just fine (also used on the airline trip home). Bluetoothed to GP following along with VFR sectionals on the phone made the airline trip home more enjoyable. There's the boneyard, there's that little town and yep, the airport's on the west side just like on the chart. Extending the Track Vector Line out 20nm with the flight plan entered (from FlightAware) you could tell when center would let us cut a corner, giving us direct to a VOR further down the line and such. The watch said I slept 'Fair' on the trip. #NerdPorn #INeedALife #HelpMe #ActuallyPrettyCool as the kids say.



As I was getting on board the airliner for the trip home from the west coast, with thoughts of taking the RV-6 into the air in a day or so, the wifey texted she had Covid (again). Emailed the sim to start the process of whatever Covid protocol is in place currently. They wanna know things like this. My involvement in a couple of scheduled sims this week at odd times may be on hold. Developing...

Life 101. Gonna be a busy week and I may end up with it (again). For better or worse as they say. I signed up for this. ;^)​
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Some people post, "what would you buy if you had $5M?"

Our host finds a way to go out and fly the ding dang airplane.

Well done, my friend, I'm really happy to see this voyage taking you so far. Now take care of that lovely wife of yours. Tell Susan we're thinking about her (you stay well!).