
Well Known Member
Hey everyone,
I just felt the need to post this, as alot of you know I dropped my 8 off with Grady the beginning of Jan. And I am getting ready to go back and get her in two weeks or so:D
It has sucked not having my RV ... I have never been without her since she first flew. But Dropping the RV off with Grady was like leaving her with a trusted friend. I can't even beginning to say how very very impressed I am with Grady and Brandon. These guys are not only great painters but really great guys.
I just sent the final payment to Grady and it was the exact price he quoted me:):):):):) and Grady has been great about putting up with my phone calls and bugging him. I am very excited to see the final product and just wanted to tell anyone who needs there RV painted to consider Grady he is the best, I am very happy with my decision to fly from Pa to Tx just to have Grady paint the "Dakota Queen"
Glo Custom gets two huge Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I plan to use Glo next fall when I get my -8 painted. How did you handle the logistics of getting from Glo to PA, and again from PA back to GLO?
I plan to use Glo next fall when I get my -8 painted. How did you handle the logistics of getting from Glo to PA, and again from PA back to GLO?

I did the flight from San Fran to Dallas by just getting a round trip ticket commercial from DFW to SFO.
I plan to use Glo next fall when I get my -8 painted. How did you handle the logistics of getting from Glo to PA, and again from PA back to GLO?

Hey Jim
I bought a roundtrip ticket from DFW to PHI, so the 21st I fly back to DFW from PHI. I can't wait!!!
Another side benefit of having the work done at GLO is that you probably have had some very ken eyes looking over your bird in the month it's been living at 52F. I would be surprised if you don't have one or two little loose or missing bolts pointed out to you that were found by Monkey or Brandon - those guys are GOOD, and very used to looking at RV''s like a second inspection!

Actually I did something similar when I had my Bonanza painted in Gulf Shores, AL. Did a roundtrip from Panama City to Charlottesville, VA. The only problem, and one that worries me a little about using Glo, if there is warranty work after delivery. Had to go back to Gulf Shores for some follow up work on the Bonanza, and it was 5 hours one way. Going back to TX for some touch up work is not so's a lot longer flight than AL. Other than that what I have seen that came from Glo tells me they are an excellent shop. And they really know RV's.....
Hey Jim
The best I can say is Glo does excellent work and I have every confidence in not needing any touch up done.
And yes Vlad all the smiles is my way of showing extreme happiness with Glo:D
Another side benefit of having the work done at GLO is that you probably have had some very ken eyes looking over your bird in the month it's been living at 52F. I would be surprised if you don't have one or two little loose or missing bolts pointed out to you that were found by Monkey or Brandon - those guys are GOOD, and very used to looking at RV''s like a second inspection!


Very Very True Paul, Its amazing how comfortable I am with those fellas and I hardly know them :D
Take a couple pics of mine when you pick yours up, I've got a case of seperation anxiety here without the plane!
And BTW, Brandon will drop you off at DFW, then it's anywhere you need to go for the return trip back home. No problem!


I love it! The mustangs are soooo awesome! Where did you get the pic of Powell's bird? And, were you able to impose this scheme onto a drawing or sketch of a rv? I am curious (because I am considering the same scheme but in red possibly) for a 7, hmmmmmm.... What did you think as to the 'feel' and look it will have with regards to the differences in over all shapes? The blue looks fantastic.


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Thanks E:)
I received the picture from Lt Powell himself, And as far as the RV goes we just adapted the feature to the RV. I personally think the warbird scheme looks great on any taildragger RV. Other military schemes look great on the A models, for example Mark Navitails(please forgive me I probably misspelled his last name) 8A.
Thanks for the comment I am really excited to see the final product:D

I love it! The mustangs are soooo awesome! Where did you get the pic of Powell's bird? And, were you able to impose this scheme onto a drawing or sketch of a rv? I am curious (because I am considering the same scheme but in red possibly) for a 7, hmmmmmm.... What did you think as to the 'feel' and look it will have with regards to the differences in over all shapes? The blue looks fantastic.


pretty cool! Now you know I am biased and think Gray did the best job ever on Miss Sue, but this is gonna look really cool.

Be prepared to have you heart stop when you pull up to it and realize it is your's!!

Can't wait to see the final
Bob "Punchy" Powell

Hey Fellows!
I had the good fortune to have lunch with Mr. Powell about three weeks ago at the "Downwind" restaurant, at Atlanta's PDK airfield. He's still quite sharp, and enjoys passing on stories of his days in WWII. He relayed a doozy about how he and a buddy had a day off and in a Cub, overflew a farm in England, which had a couple of young ladies out in the fields. His buddy dropped a note, and the next day they showed up at the farm to "inquire" about the girls.

They were barely of legal age, but apparently they were old enough. A few dates ensued, but his buddy was later killed, and Punchy survived the war and went home.

Fast forward about 60 years or so, and to make a long story short, he tracked down one of the girls, on a trip back to England with his wife. A tearful reunion ensued, and suddenly they were the youthful people they had been in 1944/45.

He later autographed a copy of this book for me in the parking lot. I hope to do a portrait of him he is getting on. By the way, the "punchy" nickname comes from his high school exploits as a Golden Gloves boxer, where he was the West Virginia state champion in his weight class.

I'm sure he's gonna love the paint job...

All Best,
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Great John!!
I sent Punchy the pics of the paint so far, I have been in touch with him thru email for about a year a great guy!!!
I hope to stop and show him the finished product:)

Hey Fellows!
I had the good fortune to have lunch with Mr. Powell about three weeks ago at the "Downwind" restaurant, at Atlanta's PDK airfield. He's still quite sharp, and enjoys passing on stories of his days in WWII. He relayed a doozy about how he and buddy had a day off and in a Cub, overflew a farm in England, which had a couple of young ladies out in the fields. His buddy dropped a note, and the next day they showed up at the farm to "inquire" about the girls.

They were barely of legal age, but apparently they were old enough. A few dates ensued, but his buddy was later killed, and Punchy survived the war and went home.

Fast forward about 60 years or so, and to make a long story short, he tracked down one of the girls, on a trip back to England with his wife. A tearful reunion ensued, and suddenly they were the youthful people they had been in 1944/45.

He later autographed a copy of this book for me in the parking lot. I hope to do a portrait of him he is getting on. By the way, the "punchy" nickname comes from his high school exploits as a Golden Gloves boxer, where he was the West Virginia state champion in his weight class.

I'm sure he's gonna love the paint job...
All Best,
Have to tell you this...

I went to lunch with my wife yesterday after posting here about the paint scheme. I had printed out the pic of Powell's plane. I showed it her and said "this is the closest I've seen to what I want to do with the 7". She looked at it for a few minutes, handed it back to me and said with a concerned look on her face, "I don't like it!", I was a little puzzled, I asked "How come?". Then she said, "I don't want to be mistaken for a 'bomber' plane and get shot down", I broke out into a total gut laugh. She then said, "Thats just a "bomber' wannabe paint job."... As I wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes she added "you can put the stars on there as long as they are only (holding up a clenched fist) this big." I guess we'll be chatting about this more later.

Just thought you'd enjoy the story.


:D My wife kinda gave me the same response when I first showed her what I wanted to do, although she was more like "everyone has paint schemes like that" But when I explained that it really was meant to honor the men who flew and Punchy in particular as well as my grandfather who was in the 8th AF and fought she quickly understood. Its not about being a wannabe its about honoring the amazing things our military does for us.
I wish...

Yes I understand. I don't have someone to do this in honor of but I share your sentiments. Lets just go get a real P51. :D. Yeah right! In my dreams.
Grady's paint job?

Resurrecting an old thread to see if anyone knows anything about Grady's RV-8? I'd heard that it is now flying, and can't help but wonder how the painter paints HIS plane ...

Anybody got pics? DR? Danny? Anybody? :)