
Well Known Member
Ever have that happen? One of the nicest mornings all year, 65F, NO wind, no thermals, smooth as silk (I'm sure) a local flyin B-fast this AM, the plane is ready to go anywhere, and I'm stuck at home for family stuff. :cool: Father In Law's B-day. :rolleyes: The guy has had 86 birthdays, why do I need to be at this one? ;)

I justify it in my mind by saying; "There will be many more flyins." , but it almost hurts not to go flying, you know what I mean? :confused:

All day long I'll have it on my mind, kinda like an addiction I guess. The need to get some air, some altitude, to feel the throttle response, to climb into a man made machine that leaves the planet. It is addicting, seductive, enticing....

Well there will be another flyin, another flying day, but there just might not be another b-day for father in law. Family stuff it is, but it will be on my mind.;)
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birthday present


I bet your father in law would love an airplane ride for his birthday? :D


I bet your father in law would love an airplane ride for his birthday? :D


:D Been there! Actually, he would rather be flying too! He makes a great co-pilot and has sat right seat several times on CC and local trips. He is a great guy.
My mother is also 86 and, I'm afraid, fading fast. One of the highlights of my -- and she says "her" life was when I gave her a ride in a Warrior, and she certainly had to struggle to get in.

One of the very, very few downsides of an RV, is it's almost impossible to get an elderly person in one unless they're in great shape.... as opposed, say, to a high-wing.

I'm so glad I did it for my mom when I had the chance. It wasn't exactly an RV grin, but it was close enough.


If there's any way to get your father-in-law in the plane today, by all means give it a go.
Too late now but take him to the breakfast fly-in.

He has been to several.

Talk about funny! We are sitting around after eating like pigs and he says, lets sneak off and go flying! We all got a big laugh and I said lets go! :D

What a great day!
The guy has had 86 birthdays, why do I need to be at this one? ;)

I justify it in my mind by saying; "There will be many more flyins." , but it almost hurts not to go flying, you know what I mean? :confused:
#1 - Birthdays are a great thing. Think about the alternative. I am always happy to age another year.

#2 - I agree, best to celebrate the fact that you've made it another year by doing something.