
Active Member
Triple Tree Aerodrome (SC00) located near Woodruff, SC is hosting its annual Triple Tree Fly-In Sept. 4-8. There will be every kind of aircraft in attendance but we would love to have a HUGE group of RVs in attendance. Triple Tree offers a 7,000 x 400 ft. ultra-smooth grass strip, fishing lakes, six miles of hiking trails, unlimited beautiful camping sites and the only bathhouse facilities around with granite countertops! This fly-in isn't airshow or product driven. Rather, it's all about the people, the planes, relaxation and enjoying the company of others that share the passion of aviation. We offer one of the most beautiful patio dining areas you'll ever see where we host a cook-your-own steak night. How about a BBQ where our record is serving 975 people in 20 minutes! Check out the website and please plan to come.

Triple Tree's mission is "To Ignite and Expand the Passion for Aviation".

Rob Traynham
We will be there

My son visited a few weeks ago for a RC event. He said it was a FANTASTIC place. I know of several of RVs from Ohio that plan to be there.