Well Known Member
The 9th annual ice cream social will be held at Inyokern, CA airport on March 11th from 1100-1400.

The ice cream social is just an excuse to get together, eat some free ice cream and fly.

If you would like to attend, please email me at axel_alvarez "at" hotmail "dot" com Use "Ice cream social" on the subject line of the email for spam filter reasons. If not, it will end up in the "trash/recycling bin" and I won't know you are coming. The head count will be used to figure out how much supplies my wife and I need to buy. All I need is your name and the number of people attending by March 3rd.

-The airport's web site is

-Our preferred runway is 33.

-Runway 20 is the only runway with non-standard traffic (right pattern).

-Click 3 times on 122.8 for AWOS info.

-R-2506 is closed on the weekends. You can contact Joshua Approach on 133.65 if you wish to request flight following and restricted area over flight.

-When you are in the pattern, stay West of Highway 395.

-If you are coming from the West you can follow the red route. If you are coming from the North/East, you can follow the blue route.

Some things to remember if you are not familiar with airport operations.
-You are responsible for yourself, kids, family, etc. NO EXEPTIONS! You are there at your own risk, be vigilant around the flight line.

-Aircraft are the greatest invention of mankind however, they can also be dangerous. Approach every aircraft as if it were "ON". An encounter with a turning prop or intake can yield very bad injuries.

-DO NOT touch an aircraft unless you have the permission of the owner/pilot.

-Please leave your pets at home. No need to have your dog, cat, lizard, liger, etc. around each other, food or aircraft. If you MUST bring your pet, please have it on a leash (especially if it is a liger).

-Please make sure you dispose of your trash. If you don't, it could potentially do damage to aircraft engines/props.

same as last year. The picture below depicts the area. It is the IYK terminal building. When you come off runway 33 or 02 on Taxiway B3, it is the building right ahead. BTW, the location is inside a red restricted area. It is NO LONGER active. That being said, this is probably the last year we can use the facility as an airline is scheduled to return this year.


Hope to see you and your family there. The only thing better than ice cream is free ice cream.

Axel and Alisha

Additional info:
I am working on a fuel discount. TBD at this point.
I think we even have off work this year! Hope the weather is conductive to flying. I'll confirm closer to the date.

Thanks for putting this on again.

Last years visit was so inspirational I subsequently got started on my 9. Thanks to both of you for putting this on. And thanks for everyone showing up and talking to us newbies.

This year we will have cupcakes again and to-go boxes in addition to the ice cream.

I am working on gas prices however, we will have to wait until the next load of fuel is bought before I can get a final price.

About 3 weeks out. get the RSVPs in. Thanks.
Tentatively will be there with two of us, weather permitting. Will email closer to the date to confirm.

Ice cream

Axel, Alisha,

Skip and I are coming. This will be our first ice cream social and we're looking forward to it. I thought I replied when you first posted, glad I checked in and saw I had not. Sorry 'bout that.

One week out.

Awesome Cathy.

Just worked out the gas price. It will be $4.09 per gal.

On a different note. If you sent me an email about attending, thank you. This year for some reason the emails have been minimal. I have about 20 people called in thus far. If you are coming out, please let up know so we can buy enough supplies. Thank you.
I'm basing out of Big ear for the next couple of weeks, and I have the Valkyrie - so asssuming the weather is good, I look forward to seeing folks at KIYK!

Keeping our fingers crossed in NORCAL

So far it looks like rain here on Sat. We got rained out last year too. If the forecast changes for the good we will be there.


AWC ( Shows mostly Sunny for the SoCal area with highs around 80f. for both the L.A, area and IYK.

Last year I got across R-2515 at or above 7,500'. Controller wanted to know why everyone was heading to IYK. Told her ice cream and she was jealous!
2515 is often cold above 6,000 on weekends. Joshua will let you know.

That said, going the "long way round" via KOBTE will add only 7 minutes to Paul's trip from Big Bear
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I called Joshua Control and gave them a heads up that folks were going to be requesting over flight to attend an ice cream social at IYK. Hopefully that helps.

So if that works Paul, do I get to fly the equivalent time you saved by the over flight on the -3?
I called Joshua Control and gave them a heads up that folks were going to be requesting over flight to attend an ice cream social at IYK. Hopefully that helps.

So if that works Paul, do I get to fly the equivalent time you saved by the over flight on the -3?

Excellent - nine times out of ten, Saturday overflight is pretty automatic, but now they'll want their ice cream delivered!

Sadly, the -3 is at home, taken apart for annual. You'll have to come visit!

Well, regrettably, I'm out. Up to my eyeballs in composite work today and I've a good bit of momentum going.

Anybody heading to/from from IYK is encouraged to give us a low pass or two at Ancient Valley (1CL2/122.9). We're pretty much directly between MHV and Rosamond, just west of the freeway.

Happy B-day Axel. Hope to see you next year.
The good news is that 2505 and 2515 were available for over-flight above 7000 feet. The bad news is Axel is another year older....

Thanks again Axel, it was a lot of fun and tasty too! Happy B-day!

Well we just home from cleanning. We are spent. Thank you to those that came out. My appologies as always for not being able to spend much time with each of you. If anyone has pics, please post them. 7 gallons of ice cream gone!
You couldn't have arranged better weather Axel - would have predicted calm air and no wind at 1300 in the Antelope Valley.....

A great time!
Thanks Axel for ordering up perfect weather, and good to see everyone again.
I wasn't too busy with the camera, but here are a few snaps from my trip:



It took me a few seconds to do the ident!


Interesting unique homebuilt.



Crossing the Sierras at Lake Isobella
