
Well Known Member
I see there are a few tie downs at the strip. I just bought a vacation home within walking distance. Does anyone know if a plane would be safe from vandalism if parked overnight? I dont know any of the local pilots to ask.
I would think if you hung out at this airport and asked someone would be better than asking here. Maybe ask the police if there has been any reports there.
Nice place…

I have flown in for lunch and walks, never spent the night and have never talked to any local pilots, so can’t answer your question. But Turf can be quite soft, sometimes long. one time I was afraid to stop so I back taxied and took off again.
Oh, that makes sense. Calling the local police and asking them if there have been any incidents at the airport wouldn't hurt. Is there a fence surrounding it?
Houses? Sitting in the middle of nowhere all by itself?
A 30 second google search and it says crime is 43% below national average, violent crime 66% below. You can be a crime victim anywhere but in a small vacation town in Oregon I wouldn't even think about it. I think you're safe from MS13
I had a local dirt bag break into my garage a mile from the airport but we caught him on camera. and he was arrested only to get out and do it again. Lots of druggies around there thats why I an hesitant to leave my Husky there and looking for info