
Well Known Member
Hi Folks -

A question regarding dimpling vs. countersinking for the wing root fairings. This is in regards to where the fairings are attached to the wing skins. I thought the plans said not to dimple but I see on this forum where where some builders did just that. Can someone enlighten me on which is correct in this location? Did I misread the plans? Or is it builders choice?

Many thanks in advance.

From memory

I dimpled. If it says not to, I missed it. The fairing skins aren?t very thick, and didn?t split.
Just looked at a set of 9A wings I have in the hangar.
Inboard gas tank skins have screw holes dimpled with K1100 nutplates, wing lower skin holes are same, K1100s and dimpled. Wing upper skin because it is 3 layers of metal are K1000 nutplates and countersunk holes.
The fairings are dimpled all around.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Guys,

Appreciate the responses. Was a little worried that by dimpling my QB wings in the tank area that I'd risk introducing some leaks through the proseal. As it is I need to cut away some of the excess proseal fillet at the inboard tank rib to make room for the nutplates.
