
Active Member
Does anyone have an easy way to install and troque the nut on the lower wing bolts on the 9A?
wing bolts

Larry: The lower wing bolt nuts are a pain. If you can retract the bolt enough to where the thread is just barely penetrating the gear weldment you can line up the nut and get it started, then secure the nut and pull the bolt through by tightening with the bolt head. I wasn't able to get a tool on the nut, but was able to brace it so it wouldn't turn and tighten with the bolt head. If I remember correctly you can put the washer on the backside under the bolt head. Double check the instructions but this can help with clearance. It takes some trial and error and patience. One bolt took me about 3 hours of trying. Ask me if I ever want to remove my wings. Not.
Hang in there. This is one of the tasks that you will be able to talk to (A model) RVers about for years to come. Good luck. Jack
get out the grinder...

I had to grind a chunk off an open end wrench to get it on those nuts.
Torque it from the bolt side the best you can.

Larry said:
Does anyone have an easy way to install and troque the nut on the lower wing bolts on the 9A?
I did the same as Jack, just used a large flat screwdriver to wedge the nut once its started on the threads. For some of the rest of the bolts I resorted to a rivet gun and flat set to very nicely drive them in to place. This was after the requsite hours of coaxing with other methods.

One other thing. I am not sure if torque can be accurately set from the head end of the bolt. Also, these bolt's job is mainly shear force, so torque may not be as important. I think the most important thing is that you get the nut on the bolt and you get proper thread clearance. I would appreciate hearing from the experts on this if I am wrong here. thanks
I used a 5/8" crow foot on a 3/8" drive extension from my socket set. Like they said above, get just a few threads through the bulkhead, put the washer on, put the nut in place, and hold it gently or turn it gently with the end of a flat-blade screwdriver. Once it has started to engage the threads, put the crow foot on it and turn the bolt for all you're worth. Oh, and by the way: Did you lube the shanks of the bolts before you put them in? Don't lube the bolt threads, just the smooth part of the bolts.

Jerry K. Thorne
Wing tips on, lights working, at Collegedale, TN (3M3)
n2prise said:
I used a 5/8" crow foot on a 3/8" drive extension from my socket set...

Clever. I've used the crow foot wrenches a lot, but never thought of putting them on an extension.
Thanks Guys. Wing mounting party on the 21st. I will report back on how it went. By the way I am not using the final bolts this time, this is just the initial fit.
Wrong wing bolts.

When I posted above, I had only installed the FOUR largest bolts in each wing. Yesterday I put in the four smaller, long, close-tolerance bolts that are right beside the large wing bolts. I lubed them the same as the others. I quit for the evening with six of them completed and two of them partially in position. I may have to remove the large aileron push-rod to get them seated properly.

One thing I did notice, when I started looking into my bolt drawer of the parts cabinet, I found FOUR AN3-13 bolts, NOT four AN4-13 bolts that engage the two plate nuts on the wing spar. I made a call to Van's and got the correct bolts on their way. Anyone else come up short on these AN4-13 bolts?

Jerry K. Thorne
Getting closer...
Van's reply to hard-2-torque bolts.

"On those nuts that you can't get a torque wrench onto, you just have to go by feel. We don't have a torque value for the bolts in a hole. Friction varies and a good value can't be made. Bolt direction is not important, so you might be able to turn some around to get to the nut.

the same goes for the engine mount nuts. Just get them as tight as feels good in order to get the cotter pin lined up.

Bruce Reynolds
[email protected]"
9a wing bolts torque

what torque was used on the large and small bolts on the wings ? from the bolt head side.. I want to make sure I didn't overtighten them.. I used 30ft lbs
if that was too much then I need to order more wing bolts..

slience in torque vaules ?

why can't anyone say what torque values they used on the 9A wing bolts , 8 large bolts 7/16 and 8 an4 bolts ?

ps.. the bolts are in , just need final torque, can't find them on the plans, and can't find the wing mounted instructions..
When a specific torque is not mentioned, you default to the standard torque values in the AC 43.13-1B (is that the right number? I'm on th road).

thats it.. AC 43.13-1B

only shows min values.. I really want to hear what the others have done, I am very supprised no one will jump in and say what they did..
AC43.13-1b Torque Values

Here are the torque numbers from the AC43.13-1b manual.
Fine thread
7/16" Tension 450-500 in-lbs; Shear 270-300 in-lbs
(Max allowable torque is 840 in-lbs for tension and 500 in-lbs for shear.)

Coarse thread
7/16" Tension 235-255 in-lbs; Shear 140-155 in-lbs
(Max allowable torque is 475 in-lbs for tension and 280 in-lbs for shear.)

Good luck.
To Danny...

Danny ... from Kacey's reply

7/16" Tension 450-500 in-lbs (large bolts)
(Max allowable torque is 840 in-lbs)

I'm assuming full thickness nuts, not the thin shear ones....

450 in. lbs. is 37.5 ft. lbs
840 in. lbs. is 70 ft. lbs.

Your 30 ft. lbs is too low.

Given the unknown friction of the locking thread and bolt hole, I would set your wrench to just under 70 ft. lbs and torque to that value. The effective torque then should be in the 38 to 70 ft. lbs. range.

gil in Tucson
godspeed, you will need to read section 3 of AC43.13B thoroughly before you torque your wing bolts. There is friction drag torque you will need to determine and add to the specified bolt torque. If you are using a tension nut type MS20365 or an AN310, the torque for a 7/16x20 bolt would be 450-500 inch pounds or 37.5-41.6 foot pounds. The bolt you can't get a wrench on the nut because it's behind the weldment you will have to take a WAG at just like everyone else did including Vans, which is why you got no response,everyone was afraid to admit to such a thing. :rolleyes:

Thats what I was hoping to get, the bolts turn fine with oil, some drag but that I can calculate into
the total, I love the realistic view , right now I am at
35in lbs on all 8 of the larger bolts, the smaller ones
I have just tight enough to start using the torq wrench, I know the chart gives lots of range, I was just hoping to make sure I was reading it correctly..
and I wanted to make **** sure I didn't over torq them , as far as 35 inch pounds go I don't think they are ever going to budge ever.. and the nuts I am sure won't back off do to sheer load.. I ended up using washers on both sides of the top bolts and only on the head of the bolts on the bottom.. due to the nyloc three thread min..
I will continue on with getting the proper torque.
Thank you so much..

Danny.... Units? ...and Nyloc Nuts


You just stated 35 inch-pounds in your previous e-mail.... :confused:

I presume that was a typo and it's really foot-pounds..

Got to keep those units straight... and most of my torque wrenches read ft.-lbs., just to complicate things.... :)


The new spec. for nyloc nuts is for a minimum of ONE thread to be showing (not three). This will give a little more latitude in bolt length selection.

It's in para. 7-64 of the bible - AC 43.13-1B

Section 7 (hardware) is here...

Section 7

The index is here...

gil in Tucson
Last edited:
inch pounds, foot lbs

I have two seperate torq wrenches , smaller one is inch pounds, I called vans today and they said.. try to figure out and add the drag, and use 37 - 41 foot pounds on the 8 large 7/16 bolts and use
50 to 70 INCH pounds on the 8 1/4 bolts , he also added that the bottom bolts were a guess for everyone, like the message above.. reality is what
I prefer this is all I was asking for above.. I was very frustrated that day :) it happens, I stabbed the wings alone, same as the engine , some days are better than others.. I except that.. things turned out exactly like they are suppose too.. builds character..

thanks to everyone for helping..
