
Well Known Member
When I built my vert stab, I believe the plans said to leave the two lower outside rivets of the lowest hinge bracket until assembly. I'm now mounting the v.stab to the fuse and wondering if these rivets are supposed to go through the 712 bulkhead as well.

On DWG 27A, it says to use 4-7 rivets, "flush on fwd side all vertical stab rear spar to spar doubler to hinge bracket rivets", with a revision marking (R2). The note for R2 says...

R2: "fwd side all vertical stab..." was " fwd side all blkhd to vertical stab".

So it looks like it used to be intended for these rivets to go through the bulkhead, but now they don't. Is this correct? So the only thing that goes through the rear spar to the bulkhead is the 2 bolts through the up elevator stop, plus the 4 bolts through the tie-down?

Photo to illustrate...
Bolts not rivets?

Phil: holding in my hands my vintage April of '07 plans, The step in the Vert stab assy reads quote" the VS-410pp hinge brackets have two holes missing from pattern. Use holes in spar channel and spar doubleras drill guides and backdrill the entire 6 hole pattern through the upper VS-410PP only. The corner holes in the lower VS-410PP will be drilled for bolts later, in assembly with the fuselage."
The notes on the dwg 27a now reads: "AN426AD4-7 flush on fwd side all vert stab rear spar to spar doubler to hinge bracket rivets".

So the answer to the question is, yes the only thing going thru the bulkhead now is the bolts.

My guess is the factory probably left rivet setting and/or direction vague in the area till the first customers installed them wrong and wondered why the vertical wasn't sitting square to the bulkhead...
I agree with WilburD2. I just took a look at mine. Only thing going thru the bulkhead are the bolts. That hinge bracket is riveted in 6 places to the spar and doubler only. Besides it seems unnecessary to put two rivets through the bulkhead when you have 4 bolts in such close proximity and it would prevent removal of the Vertical Stab. without drilling out the rivets.
When I built my vert stab, I believe the plans said to leave the two lower outside rivets of the lowest hinge bracket until assembly. I'm now mounting the v.stab to the fuse and wondering if these rivets are supposed to go through the 712 bulkhead as well.

On DWG 27A, it says to use 4-7 rivets, "flush on fwd side all vertical stab rear spar to spar doubler to hinge bracket rivets", with a revision marking (R2). The note for R2 says...

R2: "fwd side all vertical stab..." was " fwd side all blkhd to vertical stab".

So it looks like it used to be intended for these rivets to go through the bulkhead, but now they don't. Is this correct? So the only thing that goes through the rear spar to the bulkhead is the 2 bolts through the up elevator stop, plus the 4 bolts through the tie-down?

Photo to illustrate...


Those two corner points in your photo are for rivets on the 9A models. This coulda shoulda been done when riveting the other four hinge bracket to doubler to spar rivets. I left mine undone early on as well, only to have do it just before mounting the VS to the fuse. But it is a different set up compared to the taildragger, which incorporates tail mount/VS bolts near these locations. Like someone mentioned earlier, only bolts go thru the bulkhead. Look at DWG 27A for the bolt hole locations. I drilled the initial #30 pilot holes for the bolts from inside the fuse with the angle drill, stepping up to #21 then to the finished hole size of 3/16".
Funny, I'm in the exact same place

Yesterday, I was in the same place. Went back to old drawings. No mention of 426-4's on the lower bracket, only to leave open for bolts.

Newer revs add rivets to spar to bracket, and bolts beside - only the bolts go through the bulkhead.

I'm like others what wonder why bother with the rivets when the bolts are clearly a stronger member. Instructional inertia will hold however, and I'll put hte rivets in, I'm sure.

Helpful hint: Home depot has 12" bits in 1/8, 3/6 and 1/4 for $8.

Second hint: REmove elevators and pushrod before trying to mount vert stab.

Third helpful hint: File away the longerons to abotu 1/16 at teh edge, otherwise you will scar your VS spar.

Fourth helpful hint: the rivet at the bottom of the side skin is the exact place where the end of the VS spar should locate for correct bracket height. (7 11/32").

Rick 90432 Fuse, mounting emp.
I guess this is still an unsolved issue? Do we have a consensus?

I'm working on my 9A VS and still wondering about those two rivets on the bottom corners of the lower VS-410 hinge bracket. The instructions say nothing; the drawings (6 and 27A) say they exist on tri-gears. As mentioned above, this bracket is later drilled for attach bolts, making us wonder if the rivets are even needed. Are they? If I'm to include them, it needs to happen at initial assembly of the spar/doubler, because it needs to be flush on front and that can't be done properly after assembly.