
Well Known Member
I recently finished my 9A and my insurance company is requiring 1 hour minimum of transition training. I live in San Diego - anyone know of anyone in Southern California which provides training. I am also working with my insurance company to see if they would be OK with training in a 7A but haven't heard back from them yet. A 9A would be my preference.:cool:
One hour....hmmm. What proof of "training" do they want? What about if you took a demo ride from Vans...maybe paid them to stretch it to an hour? You could fly up to Portland, rent a car, drive to Aurora...whole thing done in one day.
Transition Training

The training needs to be done by a CFI. I am hoping the insurance company may be OK with a 7A which I think I could find locally - am checking.
I recently finished my 9A and my insurance company is requiring 1 hour minimum of transition training. I live in San Diego - anyone know of anyone in Southern California which provides training. I am also working with my insurance company to see if they would be OK with training in a 7A but haven't heard back from them yet. A 9A would be my preference.:cool:

I have the best guy for this based at Redlands, Ca. (KREI). I will PM you his cell. Regards, Allan