I'm getting ready to attach the top forward skin (F-7106), now that the wiring is finally completed for my 9A slider. Unfortunately, the top skin seems to be too small for the frame it will cover. After applying clecos to the top three rows of rivet holes, the outside rows of skin holes come up about 1/4" short of lining up to the F-718L/R rivet holes of the fuselage. Has anyone had the same issues and what can I do to fix this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Do you have a picture? I have a tilt up and have delayed the front skin as long as I can. I thought mine was too small when I clecoed it on to fit the cowl. I had to tug and move the sub panel a bit, but it fit. If it is like mine, you will be able to wrestle it into place. If it fit once, it should fit again.

Even with a tip up, I am going to cut two access panels in the front skin for access to my transponder and VP Power system.
Me too!

I had the same problem. I tried everything to get it to fit properly (installing cleco's in different orders, etc.). I do have a QB fuselage (not sure if this makes a difference). I finally gave up and ordered some aluminum from ACS and used the original F-7106 as a pattern, leaving a lot of excess around the edges. I "match drilled" the new aluminum sheet with the original F-7106 for all the holes except the holes that tie into the F-718L/R and the firewall (i.e, I drilled the holes for the sub panels). I clecoed the new F-7106 to the sub panels and had a friend hold the skin up against the side of the fuselage while I back drilled the holes thru the new F-7106 and added cleco's as I went. I used the F-718L/R as the drill guide. After all the holes were drilled, I used the original F-7106 as an "edge" guide to mark the edges. I just clecoed the original F-7106 to the new F-7106 in a few places and marked the edge. After all the edges were marked, I trimmed and deburred the new F-7106. In short, a Royal PITA!!!

I hope this helps.

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Are the holes lining up as you go down the side? I just did this last week, the longeron row is very difficult to get started, helps with two peps, but it all fit eventually, maybe get a couple ratchet straps to get it in position?
Top skin

Done this twice now on 2 different 9's with sliders. On both planes didn't look like holes would line up, but starting with clecoes in the support ribs and working outboard it worked out. I put some curve in the skin before installation. This skin won't just lay there waiting for clecoes it has to pulled into alignment with a fair amount pressure using pointed picks or awls. To get the edge holes to line up with the longeron you might need another set of hands and use 3 awls simultaneously to pull the skin into place while you install clecoes. Use care to not deform holes.

Don Broussard

RV 9 Rebuild in Progress

N14DB reserved
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This skin won't just lay there waiting for clecoes it has to pulled into alignment with a fair amount pressure using pointed picks or awls. To get the edge holes to line up with the longeron you might need get another set of hands and use 3 awls simultaneously to pull the skin into place while you install clecoes.

Yep, agreed. It was definitely a snug fit and a struggle to get the last clecos in place. On panels that size I always start clecoing in the center and work my way to the outside. The last holes on the outside edges, into the longeron, required "convincing" with another tool to pull the panel tight and into final alignment.
Yes, it will be in tension once it's clecoed in place, it can take some doing to get it there.
same as Jeff in post #3 except vans sent me a new skin minus the forward holes drilled. I match drilled them from inside the fuselage. Might be a bit harder now that you have all the subpanel items in place.
Thank you

Thank you to everyone for lending a hand. It looks like I will be seeking a metal stretcher this weekend. Will try to post pics of the "success" once completed.