
I'm New Here
Hello everyone. I am contemplating building an RV -9. I'd like to know if there are any builders in Ontario(preferably GTA area) or NE US who would let me get in their plane! I'm 6'4", 210 lbs, and like to know if I can fit in one comfortably, would prefer to try one closer to home vs travelling to the factory on Oregon.


sorry, not near...but some advice NOT go to Van's and sit in the will leave with that kit!
the fit and headroom thing has been discussed ad nauseum here, but suffice to say, that even a 5'11" 185 lb guy like me really wishes my -9a was a -14 inside.
I think you'd REALLY be a good candidate to do the Anti-Splat 'almost a 14' mod, moving the seat back rearward 4".

I believe the -7 is identical in the cockpit dimension to the -9, so that will increase your choices for a test fitting.
If you decide on a 9, I know of a tail kit that is completed and a wing kit that is partially completed for sale. It is located just west of london, nice and close.