
Well Known Member
Wondering if anyone who reads the boards has completed or is building a 9A near Wichita. I started my empennage kit about a month ago and would really like to meet some fellow RVers in the area. Haven't been to a local EAA meeting yet but plan to. Anyway, if you're in the area and want to talk RVs, I'll buy the beer!
Sorry I can't recall the guy's name for sure (Randal Maurer I think, but he lives at Udall, KS built a 9a for his son to take lessons in. He had a really nice 8a he had built & sold it to pay for the 9a. He lived in a house on the Udall (private) airstrip.

Hope this helps

Shannon Evans

I can dig up Randy's info for you if you want, although he's active on the forums. I bought a core from him. Rick
Thanks for the info, folks. I appreciate the suggestions. A couple weeks ago I did meet a really nice gentleman who was just leaving AAO with his wife in his VERY sweet 9A. I talked with them for a minute but really messed up by not getting his contact info and forgetting the tail number.... Can't help but wonder if that wasn't Randy, but it sort of seemed like he was from outside the area.

Hopefully Randy will see the board and give me a shout if he's willing to talk to a newbie.
There are a couple of 9s in the Wichita area, but except for Randy, I can't remember the names. I am building a 9A, but have barely gotten started on the HS. We also have a fairly active group Air Capitol ARVators who meet at various locations at 09:30 on the 3rd Saturday of the month. EAA Ch 88 also meets on the 3rd Sat at 2:00 PM but without a fixed location at this time. E-mail me at k5wiv "at" amsat,org and I can give you the contacts so that you can be notified of both groups meetings.