ron sterba

Well Known Member
I bought a Garmin GDL50 ADSB but when I hooked it up to my power plug I don?t see any aircraft show up on IPAD. The mapping is there and so are my widgets. Could be that no planes in close proximity with ADSB out.
Do you have ADS-B out? If not, you will only see aircraft via direct reception or when another aircraft in your vicinity triggers a ground station to transmit relative traffic for their position.
No on ADSB out. Now my buddy has iPad mini in his 9A and he uses ( I think it’s called stratX & has two antennas) and he picks up aircraft 15 miles away. He mentioned Bluetooth pairing might be the problem. So when I get home tonight I’ll try it. Hey thanks.
Hello Ray. I tried my I pad with the Garmin GDL50 and it did pair up and so did my I- phone 8. I checked both of my flight planning software I-FLY by Adventure Pilot but neither screen showed any ADSB targets. Maybe Ray, Garmin units don’t work with other planning software but their own. I hope not. I may have to sell the GDL 50 and buy another brand.Darn. I have a Garmin radio in my 9A and works great. I wouldn’t what to change my planning software since I have enjoyed it for 3 years now. Hate learning new systems. I’ll give Garmin a call/E-Mail Tomorrow back in I think Kansas. Stay tuned we’ll find a solution. Ron
Thanks Carl, Looks like GDL50-52 ONLY SUPPORTS Garmin plans,foreflight and go fly. That’s a shame, well iam not going to change flight planning software from I-FLY BY ADVENTURE PILOT. I found I-FLY it’s the easiest for us seasoned pilots to navigate through so I will sell the 50. I’ll ltry stratX and check out the new one from Dynon and see what else is on the market. Carl do you know of any other ADSB portable that has good ratings? Oh I forgot Garmin hasn’t got back to me on the request for IFLY to be included but they did register my concern so that was nice of them. Ron
Carl that’s worth looking into on the strat2S. I just checked with the website that IFLY has a 30 day free trial for their flight planning software. I’ll call them on Monday and see what planning programs works with which ADSB units. Boy there are a bunch out there now that I have been checking. Talk with you later Carl.
Well Carl so far Garmin has not contacted me about the IFLY Adventure Pilot planning software qworking with their GDL-50. So I’ll keep waiting.
Hey Ray,'Well Garmin hasn’t contacted me in two weeks about their GDL 50 so I assume they have a select few flight planning working software programs. IFLY isn’t one. The GREAT NEWS is I have just received in the mail my newly ordered Dynon DRX ADSB portable unit dual band unit. Compact YES, one antenna, YES, dual band, YES. I tested the unit to transmit from a 60 foot distance from my IPAD and it worked perfectly. Got targets up to 27 nm away. I like the targets are color in that GREEN target is not a threat, yellow is a target to watch and a red target color is a serious threat to your in flight course. Like the ID feature with most targets (touch target)and get direction arrow, altitude,speed. Worked great with IFLY adventure pilot app! So cool in my RV9A. Pilot for 47 years discovered the ease of IFLY app, will never change, its so easy and intuitive . Dynon I believe has a very competitive ADSB unit. Not the least cost but I believe the best stable unit. I mean you hardly notice the unit on the panel next to my 9A windscreen. In my estimation a real combination of great values on both for today’s RVpilots.