
I struck out on the aerolectic list. Thought Id try the forums.

So I have this radio stack sitting up against a bulkhead and I need a 90 degree BNC connector. BUT WAIT! :eek: DOnt send me any normal 90 degree BNC connector pics cause it wont work. They are too big and push up against the bulkhead. See this rectangular section on this pic here? It hits the bulkhead.

Now some time ago in a far away land, I saw a BNC where the center conductor of the coax got a tiny ring terminal crimped on it and the ring terminal screwed into the connector, effectively giving you a 90 degree connection that was very low profile. The braid of the coax got soldered to a ring mounted to the side of it.

Can someone tell me where to find these darn things?

Currently I have this god aweful solution that I Im too embarrasased to take a picture of but after 200 hours it is failing.

On a side note, fuel costs are killing me. Saw this the other day as a placard on a fuel pump.

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You are not alone! I had the same problem fitting my 430 into my -8, and ended up making a solution that works (but isn't very elegant), but I don't think I want to ( or could) describe it. The point is that I did a lot of looking for a good ready-made solution, and couldn't find them in a catalog. However, my ICOMM A-200 came with the exact connection you were describing, and I seem to rememeber callign to see if I could buy one. I think they wanted something like $80 each, which was beyond ludicrous in my book....

Bottom line - if you find a supplier, let us all know!

Kahuna said:
Now some time ago in a far away land, I saw a BNC where the center conductor of the coax got a tiny ring terminal crimped on it and the ring terminal screwed into the connector, effectively giving you a 90 degree connection that was very low profile. The braid of the coax got soldered to a ring mounted to the side of it.
I have those on my capacitance sender BNC connectors on my fuel tank. They came with the Princeton adapters that originally came with my ACS2002 (now AF-2500) engine monitor. My advice...call Todd Stehouwer, who now works for Grand Rapids (what a conundrum, eh?). You can call GRT Avionics (phone # on their web site) and ask for Todd, and he should be able to help you out.

In the meantime, I would definitely browse through www.mouser.com.

On a side note, fuel costs are killing me.
Lop (pun intended) those front cylinders off, man. Then it'll just be a "Duper 8" but hey, 50% fuel savings right off the top! j/k
I scoured the high 800s pages and didn't see it either. Didn't find it on Digikey. I'd call Todd and ask him for his source.

Or...why not just cut a relief in the bulkhead?
dan said:
Or...why not just cut a relief in the bulkhead?

Cutting that relief in the bulkhead puts it into the baggage compartment on the 8. Pulling out my roll away suit case is sure to catch it and cause me grief. :(

Ill call em tomorrow.
I found one of those back-of-the Icom ones on Ebay. I think it cost me about 20 bucks. I'll try to go back through my ebay records to find out who it was.
Would a recess work?

Just a thought, but is there enough access if you wanted to carefully put a dent in the bulkhead big enough to allow the BNC to fit? This would keep your bags from snagging, but would also allow the room you need. I did exactly this on my firewall to make room for the nut that is so hard to get on the nosegear attach bolt on the A models.
Extra 2 inches needed

How much RV8 builders wouldn't pay for an extra two inches between the panel and the baggage area...
rv8ch said:
How much RV8 builders wouldn't pay for an extra two inches between the panel and the baggage area...
Pardon my naivete about the RV-8 fuselage...but couldn't you just mount your panel an inch or two aft of the stock location?
Panel location

dan said:
Pardon my naivete about the RV-8 fuselage...but couldn't you just mount your panel an inch or two aft of the stock location?
Yes, you could do this, but like everything in life, it's all interconnected. The top skin that holds the panel on is pre-punched. The stick will now be mostly under the panel. You'd probably want to move the seat back just a hair. Now your stick is too far forward...and on it goes. I have no intention of doing it, but I do know that when planning out the location of the radios, there were several times when I said "if I had two more inches..."

Of course, I could direct my moaning to the avionics companies. Why the heck does a radio or transponder need to be a foot long in 2006? (Rhetorical question)
dan said:
Pardon my naivete about the RV-8 fuselage...but couldn't you just mount your panel an inch or two aft of the stock location?

The biggest drawback there would be stick clearance. There is already not enough room for a full travel. The other comments about the pre punched stuff do apply too.