Well Known Member
Hi brains trust,

9-16 Step 2 has us riveting the 903 and 904 tip ribs to each other. Step 3 then has us rivet this to the end of the 903 spars.

Next page 9-17 step 1 has us rivet the counter balance skins to the top ribs. We don’t actually rivet the skins to the spar flanges in this step (until the skins go on later).

Given the comment of checking for twist - would it make more sense to rivet the skins to the ribs first, then this assembly to the spars? This way you could lay it flat in a table as you rivet to make sure no twist is incorporated.

Has anyone done it this way?

Despite the note at Step 1 on 9-22 that the counterbalance skins lie underneath the skins, both figure 1 and figure 2 on 9-22 look like the counterbalance skins lie on the bottom of (I.e. OUTSIDE of the elevator skins) on the bottom side. Can anyone confirm this or correct? Can’t seem to find any images of it on any blogs.
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