Wes Hays

Well Known Member
Several years ago right after 9-11 someone had some stickers and patches in the shape of the Pentagon with the twin towers as the eleven in the middle of the 9-011-01 with the word Remember underneath.

I really would like to have some new stickers for the plane as well as my pickup.

Can anyone direct me to the individual who hopefully has some of these stickers still available?

Thanks in advance for your help.
If I remember correctly, these were something a friend of DRs put together.

Try sending Doug a message??

Or, wait a bit, he will probably see this thread and reply.
9-11 Sticker


There's one for sale on ebay. It's 6 inches tall and is the pentagon shaped one that was so popular.
Enter "Firefighter Stickers - 9/11 Pentagon/ Somerset 6x6" in the ebay search and it will take you to the item.
Doug may know of another source.

Thanks Mike. Hopefully Doug may see this and if he does not know the original vendor, I can order some.
Check the DMV

For your truck, check with your department of motor vehicles. Here in Viriginia, this is one of the optional plates you can put on your vehicle. No need to mess up your paint with a sticker!
For your truck, check with your department of motor vehicles. Here in Viriginia, this is one of the optional plates you can put on your vehicle. No need to mess up your paint with a sticker!

We have a lot of specialized plates in Texas but I don't believe we have one with the Pentagon shaped 9-11 that Wes is talking about.
Like Mike I really didn't think that Texas had the plate, but just to make sure I checked the TxDOT website and sure enough, there it was.


Thanks for the heads up Tim. I think I will get it on the license tags.

WOW! :eek:
That's a new one on me Wes. The last time I looked they didn't have it.
Great license plate. That one would be worth the extra $20.
I'll be checking on that when I renew my Jeep plates in May.
Texas Fight Terrorism License Plate


Bad news!:(
I went and read the fine print above the picture of the license plate.

"Souvenir License Plates
Many of the specialty license plates we offer are available as souvenir plates for purchase by individuals or organizations. These plates are not street legal or insignias of vehicle registration, but they can serve many unique purposes. Individuals have purchased souvenir plates as fun and quirky gifts, mementos, decorations or to put on bicycles or non-street-legal vehicles. Organizations often buy them in bulk for resale as a fundraiser, or use them as promotional items, prizes or trophies."
