Well Known Member
The 8th annual ice cream social will be held at Inyokern, CA airport on March 12th from 1100-1400.

The ice cream social is just an excuse to get together, eat some free ice cream and fly. This year "Dilemma", my Fastback is air worthy :)

If you would like to attend, please email me at axel_alvarez "at" hotmail "dot" com Use "Ice cream social" on the subject line of the email for spam filter reasons. If not, it will end up in the "trash/recycling bin" and I won't know you are coming. The head count will be used to figure out how much supplies my wife and I need to buy. All I need is your name and the number of people attending by March 4th.

-The airport's web site is

-Our preferred runway is 33.

-Runway 20 is the only runway with non-standard traffic (right pattern).

-Click 3 times on 122.8 for AWOS info.

-R-2506 is closed on the weekends. You can contact Joshua Approach on 133.65 if you wish to request flight following and restricted area over flight.

-When you are in the pattern, stay West of Highway 395.

-If you are coming from the West you can follow the red route. If you are coming from the North/East, you can follow the blue route.

Some things to remember if you are not familiar with airport operations.
-You are responsible for yourself, kids, family, etc. NO EXEPTIONS! You are there at your own risk, be vigilant around the flight line.

-Aircraft are the greatest invention of mankind however, they can also be dangerous. Approach every aircraft as if it were "ON". An encounter with a turning prop or intake can yield very bad injuries.

-DO NOT touch an aircraft unless you have the permission of the owner/pilot.

-Please leave your pets at home. No need to have your dog, cat, lizard, liger, etc. around each other, food or aircraft. If you MUST bring your pet, please have it on a leash (especially if it is a liger).

-Please make sure you dispose of your trash. If you don't, it could potentially do damage to aircraft engines/props.

same as last year. The picture below depicts the area. It is the IYK terminal building. When you come off runway 33 or 02 on Taxiway B3, it is the building right ahead. BTW, the location is inside a red restricted area. It is NO LONGER active. Come on in, the water is fine.


Hope to see you and your family there. The only thing better than ice cream is free ice cream.

Axel and Alisha

Additional info:
We will have a fuel discount. TBD at this point. Also, we have a new fuel farm that will be inaugurated on the same day.
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I'm hoping to be there for the 10th in my bird!

Sounds like a blast; beautiful country up there.


How do we get there from the east? You are covered up by Restrected Aeras.
Will flight following let VFR flights come through?

How do we get there from the east? You are covered up by Restrected Aeras.
Will flight following let VFR flights come through?

Yes. You can get flight following and request over flight of restricted airspace. They sometimes allow it. or you can follow the blue lines via the "Trona gap" (pic in post 1) or fly to Mojave then North to Inyokern.
Folks, we are approx. 2 weeks away and I only have 1 confirm via email.

If you would like to attend, please email me at axel_alvarez "at" hotmail "dot" com Use "Ice cream social" on the subject line of the email for spam filter reasons. If not, it will end up in the "trash/recycling bin" and I won't know you are coming. The head count will be used to figure out how much supplies my wife and I need to buy. All I need is your name and the number of people attending. Please do not reply to this post with attendance. I monitor way to many "boards" and it is a logistical problem taking info from multiple sources. Thank you.

Btw, gas is $3.99 per gal right now.
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Please sign up

I really want to start my build this summer. I am hoping to see many RVs and meet all you wonderful pilots/builders as I start my journey. Please sign up and come with your RV so I can get motivated to start mine!

If anyone is interested in the CPI ignition, there will be two Rockets at this event with the system installed. Just look us up and we will be happy to show it off.
Make money eat ice cream

Fuel at KTSP is $4.62 per gallon. Transit to KIYK is 3 gallons, lets say I keep a 5 gallon reserve, leaves space for 34 gallons in the mains and another 9 in the tips for a possible total of 43 gallons. Each gallon I save $0.80. So I can fly to KIYK and eat my own body weight in chocolate ice-cream and save $34.40. This has to be the greatest scam going.
... We are planning to attend (two of us for sure) Allan & Lisa. Thank you in advance for the opportunity. Best, Allan...:D

Looking forward to going, but not going anywhere on Saturday. 80 to 100 percent chance of rain up here in Santa Rosa on Saturday.

a few things for tomorrow.

-If you can, please arrive before 1230. The Ravens (if weather permits) will be performing a practice routine at that time.

-Plan for fuel. If you wait until everyone is leaving you will be part of the "traffic jam". I placed cones around the fuel pump. PLEASE DO NOT PARK OR BLOCK THAT AREA ....

-Remember, there will be other airplane and people around. Be conscious of your surroundings. Don't blast people or other planes.

-Be ready to play some games. My wife bought a few fun things.

See you soon!!!!!!!!!

Axel and Alisha,
Thanks for hosting this RV gathering. It was fun and thanks the Ravens for the mini airshow.

Time for me to start building.
Happy Birthday Axel!

Sorry I missed it but the weather was poor in the Bay area and I was moving hangars anyway.

But there's always next year.
Great gig Axel

Happy birthday and thanks for a great event. It was neat to see a nice turnout of RVs and Rockets and the mini airshow. Chocolate ice-cream and whipped cream in the face & cheap gas was a nice touch. Thanks for your efforts supporting the RV community.
Well the 8th annual ice cream social is a wrap. Even though we had about 50% cancellation due to bad WX and winds we still ended up with 30 airplanes. Thank you to those of you that came. It made the event very special this time around. Special (I put on a tux) because my grandparents, parents and sister traveled to join us. They had a blast.


My wife busted her behind more than usual this time around. If you flew/drove in you know what I mean. Despite hiring someone to work the event, I was still not able to spend enough time with everyone. My apologies, that really bugs me. The games we introduced were a hit. Many folks ended up with ?pie? to the face. Also the bean bag game was great even though I saw my sister take a bean bag to the head at one point.

My cake was amazing. My wife?s boss made it for us. My wife wanted something cool. So she took her favorite picture of ?Dilemma? and they worked with that. My wife?s coworker made some beautiful cupcakes. They even rolled their own props.


Even though my wife and I don?t want/take any donations, we found few dollars here and there. Thank you but not necessary, we do this so the community can have a nice place to hang out, talk, and share ideas. I did receive a few gifts (also not necessary). David, the bridle is our favorite, thank you.

The most indescribable moment was when Rosie took my 80 years old grandpa flying unexpectedly. Grandpa got some stick time and commented on how delicate you had to be while on the controls. I also got to join on Rosie?s wing and let my grandpa see me/my plane next to him. He could not stop smiling and at one point got on the radio and talked to me. On the ground he commented on how never in his wildest dream would he have expected that to happen. Rosie also took my dad flying and I flew on his wing. That was cool too. During the event, my family signed ?Dilemmas? turtle deck. Word cannot express the feelings for all of us (mine of accomplishment, theirs of being proud). Thank you again to all those that came out and made this possible for my family and I.

If you have pics or videos, please post them so other can get inspiration/motivation to pound some rivets.

Please take a moment to say thank you to my wife at

lasotagirl ?at? hotmail ?dot? com

If it were not for her, this activity would NOT happen. She spent weeks of time preparing the very small details that made your attendance possible.

Also if it were not for the support of the local airport staff, this would not happen.

Scott ?at? inyokernairport ?dot? com

See you next year. If you are still building, maybe you can use this event as a future target ?to do? activity.

Will post pics as soon as I can. I am not able to from this computer. Or maybe DR will if he gets a few minutes. [ed. Inserted! v/r,dr]
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Thanks Axel and Happy Birthday again! Rita and I had a great time will make this our annual event.

