
Well Known Member
My 8 came with the Cleveland lightweight cover. Great for traveling. Had to leave it on the ramp for a few months and it’s basically trashed. Anyone have one they want to get rid of or know of a place that has some left overs?

I see Bruce’s has an option but they’re just as pricey as the heavyweight
Bruce’s is by far the best light weight cover and worth the money. Yes it will deteriorate if left outside long term, it says it on the warning label. Their heavy weight will hold up if that’s your mission. Either way I recommend them. I had issues with it not staying in place in high winds and they came up with a third belly strap that holds it down in 40kt gusts.
Yeah, it only sits out a few days at a time now, so looking for a lightweight one. Wish I bought another from Cleveland when I first got this thing two years ago